Someone who understands
So I was in the kitchen, preparing to cook an eggplant moussaka, and ruminating on the well known side effects of chemo (like hair loss) and the not so well known side effects that I have experienced (like changes in pigmentation on the face similar to the "mask of pregnancy), which I am experiencing.
And I came across someone who really really got it. We were both feeling a bit out of the norm, a bit different to those around us, a bit....not quite right. I felt like we really connected through our shared experiences of being a bit odd, even if for some one of us it would be only temporary.
I got a photo of us together:
Bwahahaha!!!! Jane that is hilarious!! Gave me a fantastic laugh Xx Cath
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Lol....thanks for the laugh
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love it ! Thanks for the laugh
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LOVE that photo... THANK YOU FOR THIS GREAT LAUGH - been sruck in hospital post emergency admission overnight and I so needed a laugh ????????????
Hey, I have had heaps of dark spots resembking 'liver spots' just darker popped up over all over my face post 2nd chemo and many a new mole (stop counting when it past 100)... Dark spots pathes in other places and after 4th chemo my underarms (except for the patch right in the middle) through to half way to my elbow and some 15cm downwards on my chest wall have gone very very dark. And the underarm bit literaly happened in under 24 hrs...
My GP had no clue why so I decided to not worry and wait and see so must say I am actually relieved I am not the only one having these weird skin changes...
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And, by the way, you look GORGEOUS ??????????????
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Just what I needed Jane......a good laugh.
thank you,
Anne-Marie ??
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Gotta keep a sense of humour!
Love your expression!
Bon Appetit!
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My skin has darkened in some Onc told me this can be skin is still sensitive and still very very dry and flaky...these changes can all be permanent
and with no clear indication when they will go....if ever....
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oh bugger... I allways thought dry flaky skin was temporary... mine is horrible - I mean that dry that bits stand up so hard and coarse materials catch if rubbed against it....
Is that is permanent I really will be devastated. I can deal with staining but the dryness is killing me.
Guess back to soaking it in shea butter praying it helps
0 - it. Thanks for brightening up the day
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Thank you Jane, your smile is infectious??No idea what you looked like with hair, but you sure do look great without ??JanineG
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Sorry to hear Jel you have been in hospital, hope all is good now. The onc nurse told me that what I have is like the mask of pregnancy which many people get, and which goes soon after birth, because it is hormone related. I will wait and see! It is unnerving to have all these changes and not know which are going to be permanent. Maybe it's better to find out slowly?
Thanks for the comments, you have given me a few laughs over the last few months! Jane
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Unfortunately he gave his life in vain....not a great moussaka!
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Thanks Janine (of course I am too chicken to go out of the house without something on my head) and everyone who commented. I'm glad people got a laugh. Some days you just gotta laugh, other days you can't help but have a little cry. Jane
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They have let me loose from the hospital when they rulled out blood clots and heart function - got admitted as previous 9 days heart rate would not get below 125 and was too tired to walk across the house so GP ordered me into Emergency since it sounded all too extreme to him.
Oncology guys never seen it but since heart seems healthy enough they were happy for me to crawl back gome and hoping it is just a weird sideffect that will go away soon enough.
I am not stressing too much over it - to be honest the stains and marks and all that stuff I am well over stressing ... I hope it goes away but if it does not it is not the worst thing that can happen...
I reckon a lot will get better eventually but even if these things linger so be it... Still beats having BC and worrying about it spreading ??