Just diagnosed, seeking advice to find a good breast cancer surgeon in Melbourne city area

jennywang Member Posts: 2
edited 2016 06 in Day to day

I am still in shock, but the first thing I have to do is to find a breast cancer surgeon for the surgery. Appreciate your recommendations for a good and patient breast cancer surgeon in Melbourne city area.

Thank you so much.





  • scotts
    scotts Member Posts: 1
    edited 2016 06

    Hi jenny- has your GP recommended anyone  ? If you are going private - look at the websites of the major private hospitals for a list of their surgeons. My surgeon (female Epworth ) collaborated with the oncologist that also treated patients at the same hospital. Once you have seen a surgeon you start to feel a bit more focused and you should receive all the great BCNA booklets that take you through the process/ treatment step by step. 

  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,467
    edited 2016 07

    This is very variable, but my GP referred me to the Melbourne Breast Unit ( it's part of the Epworth), and surgeon Mr Su Wen Loh. I like Su Wen a lot. He's calm, informative, very funny and my only post-surgery problem (a rather persistent seroma) is not something the surgeon can foresee (or do much about). My actual surgery was very straightforward (Mastectomy with axilliary clearance). No pain - honestly I was surprised, there really was none even though the staff kept trying to pump me with painkillers. No movement limitation, no problems apart from the recurring fluid!

    To be honest, my GP didn't know much about the Unit either, but I have found it very good. My oncologist and Su Wen work together well. Worth a look perhaps?

  • angiesg
    angiesg Member Posts: 82
    edited 2016 07

    I can highly recommend Professor Bruce Mann. Wonderful doctor, very talented and caring. His private rooms are at the Royal Women's hospital. I had a lumpectomy, had a quick recovery and had no scar issues and 6 months later you can hardly see the scar line.

    The other doctor that is highly recommended is Jane Obrien who works out of the Epworth in Richmond.

    Your GP may have other options too and you will need a referral from your GP to visit any surgeon to get the ball rolling.

    Best of luck, those initial days are so scary and a blur

  • Jane-Altona
    Jane-Altona Member Posts: 39
    edited 2016 07

    Hi, even though I have private cover I decided to go 'public' as it ensures a team approach & I haven't regretted it. The team approach means the surgeon, oncologist, radiologist etc all discuss your case as you progress.

    I recommend the Peter MacCullum Cancer Centre or the Royal Melbourne. You will need a referral from your GP. 

    I went to the Peter Mac, they gave me an appointment with a surgeon within 48 hours. The surgeon was excellent & so has been the rest of the team - oncologist, radiologist etc. As I have private cover I could also have had a private room after surgery etc., fortunately I recovered well after my lumpectomy & went home.

    As my surgeon pointed out to me, I could have gone private with her but I wouldn't have got any better service. I had Chantel Thornton, she has rooms in Williamstown.


  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    edited 2016 07

    I used  Dr jenny senior at Cabrini as I had private cover and did radiation at Peter Mac box hill as a public patient at jenny seniors recommendation. Jenny gave me a team oncoligist and radiologist I love the fact as part of her plan I'm still seeing all of them during the year and it's 4 years down the track. Her compassion and real personality and professionalism was exceptional. My GP chose her as he said that's who he would send his wife to. BUT this is only my opinion you must feel comfortable with them above all, after all your in their hands. Regard adean

  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    edited 2016 07

    Hi JennyWang,

    I don't have any recommendations as I am in Sydney - Just thought I would wish you all the best. Take care and don't forget when it all gets a bit much, slow down and take a very deep breath!

    Xx Cath

  • Lisa_BCNA
    Lisa_BCNA Staff Posts: 140
    edited 2016 08

    Dear Jenny,

    It's Lisa from the Policy Team. It is great that you posted on the Online Network, as it's such a good place to get advice and recommendations. I also wanted to let you know that the ‘Find a surgeon’ function on the BreastSurgANZ website provides a list of breast surgeons in your local area. The Cancer Australia website also has a directory of breast cancer-related services available through public and private hospitals and clinics throughout Australia.

    Best regards,

  • Cook65
    Cook65 Member Posts: 733
    edited 2016 08

    Hi Jenny. 

    I saw Michael Cheng privately when first diagnosed then had treatment through box hill hospital. The care I have received has been second to none. Michael is brilliant. He did a marvellous job of my surgery and I have continued to see him thought out my treatment and now after treatment through Box a hill hopsital. I feel very fortunate to have someone like him on my team. Good luck. Karen xox

  • Tigerpam
    Tigerpam Member Posts: 2
    edited 2016 08

    I am seeing Michael aswell. Diagnosed last week with surgery booked at moorandah hospital on the 21st. He has been great. 

  • Christine Hansen
    Christine Hansen Member Posts: 0
    edited 2016 09

    Hi Jenny,

    my name is Chris and I had a double mastectomy with surgeon Corinne Ooi. I was given a list from my GP and started to make calls. I think that most doctors on the list were great, the GP did recommend one but it took so long to get in I decided to got to the one that I could see the quickest as I wanted answers and so did my family. If you do see a surgeon privately, please note that you can go to a public hospital even if you have private insurance. I wasn't told about this and went to see a plastic surgeon that worked with my surgeon and the cost out of pocket were so much the sock nearly killed me. Discussion with my Breast Surgeon Corinne lead me to a public Hospital as a private patients and no out of pocket  costs. I was treated within weeks even when told it could take longer,and was done by the same two surgeons two weeks earlier. I'm in the south eastern suburbs of Melbourne if I can help plse contact me

  • Cook65
    Cook65 Member Posts: 733
    edited 2016 09

    You're in good hands Tigerpam. All the best for your surgery. Karen xox

  • jennywang
    jennywang Member Posts: 2
    edited 2016 09

    Thank you for all responses. I am overwhelmed by your kind and warm supports. I am currently talking to a surgeon from your recommendation. Your advice gave me the guidance and strength to go through the difficult time.

    Kind regards,
