Five years and counting :)

mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
edited May 2016 in Day to day

Well I have finally got five minutes to gather my thoughts after a busy couple of weeks. March 31st marked 5 years since my mastectomy following my recurrence of triple negative breast cancer just 18months after initial diagnosis and 6 months after completing all my treatment. What a scary time that was for me.

However I am not telling you this to scare you, especially those who are newly diagnosed. I want to let you know that even if the worst does happen and the dreaded BC returns it can often still be treated. Yes I went on and had more surgery and more chemo, no it wasn't the best time in my life, but I am still here to tell my story. I feel blessed to live in a country where treatment options are available to us.

I always get what had been described to me as scanxiety when I have to go for tests and check-ups, especially as I had lymph node involvement at first diagnosis 6 1/2 years ago. However the relief I felt when I saw my surgeon last week and was given the all clear at the five year mark was immense. I will try and attach a picture I took right after my appointment.  I thought at five years I would be put out to pasture and seen no more, but she said no they will continue to monitor me for another 5 years. That's ok, I kind of like the idea of that, especially being triple negative and unable to take hormone blockers.

I spend most of my time facilitating the breast reconstruction group but still pop in here when I have time. I enjoy reading all your posts. This is such a special network where we all get what we are going through because we've all been there. It is so lovely seeing the support given to all members whatever stage we are at in our treatment and recovery.

Hugs to all you special ladies.

Paula xxxx






  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    edited May 2016

    Yay for you, Paula! I am so happy for you as I know that 5 years is a pretty important milestone for anyone who had triple negative. So good to hear something positive like this.

    This is a special network and I for one feel like I have made friends with some pretty amazing people on here, (you being one of them) who have helped me through the toughest of times.

    Thanks for sharing your good news! 

    Hope you had time to celebrate.

    :) Deanne xxx

  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    edited May 2016

    Congratulations 5 years on,  I'm doing a happy dance for you. Lovely picture of you. xx

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    edited May 2016

    Woo hoo! What a milestone! Congrats ????????

    Take care from Christine xx 

  • Jane221
    Jane221 Member Posts: 1,195
    edited May 2016

    Woo hoo, so happy for you Paula!! It is an incredible milestone particularly after all you've been through and I, for one, am grateful for all the care and support you continually give to others on this network, you are one special lady xxxx


  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    edited May 2016

    Hi Paula

    Congratulations on the  milestone. It must feel fantastic. 

    On another issue, I noticed that you're wearing a compression glove. Would it be ok for me to send you a message, asking a couple of questions? 

    Regards,  Lyn

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited May 2016

    Thankyou for sharing and it is fantastic to read even if it does doesn't mean we can't be treated or even cured. Kath x

  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited May 2016

    Hi Deanne, I am happy to be your good news story as I know you have had a tough couple of weeks. Yes love to be at that 5 year mark especially as it was a recurrence!!!

    I agree we have met some amazing ladies on this site and many like yourself who have offered words of wisdom along the way.  I like to think we prop each other up as needed. 

    I did manage a little celebration with my family and two other families who are really close friends of ours.

    Hugs to you.

    Paula xxx


  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited May 2016

    Thanks Rowdy, love a good happy dance.  I love this picture as it's full of emotion.  I wanted to capture how I felt.  I had tears in my eyes when the Dr said all my tests were clear.  I had to rush straight to the bathroom afterwards and took this in there as I wanted to capture that feeling and send it to my family.

    Hugs to you.

    Paula xxxx

  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited May 2016

    Thanks so much Christine.

    Feels good.

    Paula xx


  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited May 2016

    Thanks Jane... Love a good milestone. 

    Thankyou for all your support, It is so appreciated.

    Paula xxxxx

  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited May 2016

    Hi Lyn,

    Yes, feels great.  Oh yeah, forgot the lymphedema!! Yes feel free to message me about it.

    Paula xx

  • LITHGOW1950
    LITHGOW1950 Member Posts: 314
    edited May 2016

    Great post to read happy for you. Love your photo....beautiful big smile and you sure have plenty to smile about.

    Anne-Marie ??

  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited May 2016

    Hi Kath,

    That's why I like to share, we can beat this disease, even if it visits again!

    Paula xxxx

  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited May 2016

    Thanks Anne-Marie, Yes I was very happy and emotional at the time after receiving such good news.

    Paula xxx

  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    edited May 2016

    Hi Paula Congratulations!!!! That's excellent news for you in particular and also for your nearest and dearest. Certainly a fantastic reason to celebrate.  Yayyyyyyyyy!!!!! Big hug xx