That peaceful feeling....

Day 1 - after round six.
Well after my last round yesterday, I had a little rest and then went out to dinner to another of my favourite places to eat Davo's Trattoria at Moorebank. We went with a brother/sister in law and a couple of their friends. Was a good night and the food was delicious and it was good to meet some new people too!
Had a good night's sleep...only got up a few times thanks to the copious amounts of water I have to drink to flush my final chemo cocktail out of my system....
Woke to the sound of rain again....and a feeling of peace. I think now that i have finally finished chemotherapy, my mind has stopped thinking about it and the fear of the side effects has now subsided....I now I still have a week to see if I avoid the side effects, but for now I am happy that I am more relaxed about it.....what will be, will be...It's not like I don't know what to expect!
I feel a little brain is getting a little foggy, but I managed to drive myself to the local shops this morning! Something that I couldn't do during treatment before. I am now convinced that the pain killers were to blame for my earlier nightmare of dysfunction!
I don't have any pain, other than that achy feeling in my muscles, especially my legs....but that's par for the course after chemo.
I have also spent the morning transferring this blog to word files so I can make a scrap book at a later date to keep. Just re reading my posts again has made me realise that I am a pretty tough person and I am still amazed at what I have been through so times it was a real struggle just to get through a few hours let a lone a day...but I did it! It's a constant reminder of what the body is capable of....we really are remarkable machines.
So, today has been a pretty good day. I am happy so far that I seem to have rocked my last chemo!
i will take it easy and restore my strength for the next few phase is going to be tough too, but I WILL do it!
I WILL beat you, you afraid....very afraid!
I am so glad you are doong well but You make sure you take it easy there Champion so you can breeze through this round.
Yes it is the last time you have to deal with the sideeffects I just hope you do not overexert yourself because you are mentaly on a high 'cause it is the last Chemo.
I hope the good days continue for you and take care as Sydney is full of seasonal bugs and sick people so please do be super carefull. XXXX
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Thanks Jel.... I am all to well aware of that false sense of security! Been caught out before and have learned my lesson.... I will be kind to myself don't worry! I have to gather my strength fur my impending surgery....
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Well done for charging through chemo and managing a celebratory dinner straight away! It took me 2 weeks for my cell levels to return to normal and a month to feel human again (just in time for surgery lol!).
Onwards and upwards for you ! Wishing you a speedy recovery xo
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I recovered quicker with my last round of AC and wondered if the mental stress reduction helped with this. I hope the next few days are good for you too. Rest when you need. Kath.
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What an excellent post to read ;-). Keep kicking it!!!! Xx Cath
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Kath, you have been amazing during your treatment as everyone on this blog can testify , can't remember a single post of yours , even the ones when you were not feeling the best , that didn't have an upbeat tone and a willingness to get up next day and fight the fight , you have been so strong as I am sure you will see when you go back thru all your posts , AND you have also been incredibly helpful to everyone on here, myself included , so yes ! You are tough , but for now , be gentle... With yourself ??