The best laid plans...

ScorpionQueen Member Posts: 768
edited May 2016 in Day to day

Day 16 - after round five.

Well thanks to the universe, my day was ruined!

Had a great night's sleep...wake up put kettle on and BAM! The nose bleed form Hell!

Nose bleeds are something I am used too...I have dealt with them all my life.....but I've e only had one other that warranted help form the hospital and that was many years ago! I have even had my nose cauterised, but that didn't really stop them....they usually only last a few minutes...ten at most.

I thought it would be a routine nose bleed, but just kept pouring.....and pouring! After about 20 minutes and my efforts to stop it failed, I decided to call an ambulance.......He arrived and pinched (really hard) my nose for about 15mins which managed to stop it a bit, eventually it did manage to slow to a dribble, lucky as he was armed with some yucky spray that would help the vessels shrink and some "tampons"......immediately I had the vision of me with two pink strings hanging out of my nose! that bought a laugh!...and of course these "tampons" don't look like that! but they are called tampons! hahaha!

The blood became very pale which was concerning to the ambo seeing I didn't have a cold or after my obs were to hospital I went.

Gained V.I.P entry again and was checked by the specialist Dr on duty....and attacked by the resident vampire once more....All good until I tried to stand up and the bleeding started again.....

I stayed lying down and was administered the yucky spray after all...then my nose was plugged with gauze soaked in something or other......not the most pleasant experience.....but after a few hours of looking like a did the trick!

My bloods came back good. I have been very lucky throughout all of this to have good blood results. My haemoglobin is a little low, but nothing to worry about as it's considered "normal" for a cancer and chemo patient to be a little low......and with no real answer as to why my nose bled so much...I was allowed to go home.

What a waste of a day! Arggh! So annoyed, I had planned to get a few things done, then to go to work for a little while.....

Just another paragraph in the book of chemo! We never really know what it's going to do to us.....until it happens!

Well I know I'll sleep well tonight, my second V.I.P event has tired me out!

Tomorrow is another day and hopefully I get to do what I wanted to get done today.....

Have a great night all!


  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited May 2016

    Oh no, poor you.  I used to get nose bleeds when I was pregnant.  What a day you have had... I hope tomorrow is better for you.

    Paula xxx

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited May 2016

    Particularly annoying when they don't know why. Glad you are really have been through the wars. Kath x

  • LITHGOW1950
    LITHGOW1950 Member Posts: 314
    edited May 2016

    What a terrible ordeal for you. Always something! 

    Hope you do get a good night sleep.


    Anne-Marie ??

  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    edited May 2016

    What a day! 

    Take care, Lyn

  • jd48
    jd48 Member Posts: 484
    edited May 2016

    Oh...I HATE HATE HATE nosebleeds and when you have to pinch it for ages and think it is gone only to have it reopen and gush again... not mention when itnstarts to dribble back into the throat....

    I can honestly say I am relieving those as I read your story here....

    I never even thought that nosebleeds might make a serious comeback with Chemo ??????

    I am glad your was finally taken care off but I do hope you take it easy today and stay away from work afterall as apart from needing rest you do not want you poor ravaged nose exposed to bugs or dry aircon air ...



  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    edited May 2016

    Yuk I can remember I had a few nose bleeds, not as bad as yours. I'm glad that the ambos looked after you and you got vip treatment at the hospital. Hope you slept well last night, have a good day today xxx