Two time Survivor and kicking Goals!

Hey Everyone!
I wanted to say Hi! and share support with many other Women who are traveling this Journey. I have traveled the journey with minimal support the past 4yrs, however after diagnosis last year of recurrence, I have sought support and equally given.
Hope you are all doing OK, and getting through no matter what your diagnosis, or treatment...I have found incredible resilience I never thought I had, and learnt alot about myself through this. There is no right or wrong, everyones journey is different and unique and so very important.
Honoring yourself is paramount above anyone else, and giving yourself permission to handle the journey in your way...and not according to anyone else.
How true I read others posts and my trip was so different or very much the same. So sorry you have had a recurrence, we all don't know what tomorrow will bring. Take care good to hear you have more support this time xx
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Hi Rowdy,
Thank you, yes through my recurrence I had a few good friends and my Dad was my rock and my kids. I'm grateful for that this time, still an incredibly hard journey!
Loving life again 6 months post chemo, hair is full and curly lol and just a mastectomy pending, I sort of want to get it out the way now and move on! Cheers Melinda
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Very uplifting post for all of us dreading if cancer will ever come back. Even if it does you are proof you can rise above it and still emerge positive. Thank you.
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HI Brenda,
Absolutely!! Im currently doing a rehab at Epworth Hospital, its 8 weeks but its wonderful! Doing strength training, getting back into shape, and mentally too. One thing they spoke about is, there is no right or wrong in how anyone handles the journey. You have to handle it YOUR way, and its OK to not be positive and uplifting all the time, it does not mean you are not doing your all for the better of you. Its about getting through it, the way you choose to, its not about anyone else. As helpful as most try to be, unless theyve travelled this road, there just isnt the understanding on so many levels that you require. Ive learnt alot in 4yrs, something very difficult to do that Ive never done is...I put me above everything and everyone within reason. I nurture me in the smallest ways, and celebrate who I am...I dont kill myself for work anymore...I enjoy more of putting me first.
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I am also a two time survivor and 5 years out from my last diagnosis. It is always in the back of my mind that it may come back again a third time but I reckon I've done my bit!
It is truly amazing how much inner strength we all have.....we would never have thought ourselves so strong before going through breast cancer.
Best of luck everyone. You can do it!!
Louise x
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Hi MelClarity,your post helped a lot I am a newbie and have Sentinel node biopsy,wide incision on this Thursday.It's been weeks of tests etc and finally it's being done You inspired me as I kept it to myself then opened up to family members,got ph calls but could have done with the company.When asked how I am,what do you say fine?all the best and looking forward to keeping updated on your progress.deb
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Hi Louise,
Oh wow!!! 5yrs from 2nd diagnosis, fantastic!!! now THAT inspires me incredibly, like you I am in the back of my mind concerned of a 3rd time...this is why my Oncologist and Breast Surgeon are urging for Mastectomy and that way, I honestly feel, that is the end of it all finally. Like you, oh boy!!! Ive done my bit!!!
Resilience is what we all learn through it, its amazing! many times through Chemo I wanted to give up, I was unfortunately very ill 4.5 months. There is life after it, and I am grateful everyday I get up, with one less ache LOL. I focus on the blessings in my life and I just live and love!
Love to hear more from you Louise. My recurrence was in my initial scar from 4yrs previous believe it or not. Uuugh!
Melinda x
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Hey Debza,
I'm a newbie to this site! Ohhh thats so great to hear it helped in some small way! Yes Ive had the Sentinel node biopsy, from there I went to a lumpectomy. I think the initial feeling is, to keep it low key and to yourself so as not to worry your loved ones. Everyone has a different spin on it. Unfortunately my first diagnosis 2011 I had just lost my Mum 18months prior. I didnt have alot of support or lean on anyone. This time however is very different. It has nothing to do with being strong and resilient. We are absolutely that! Its about the love care and support and I felt that really helped this time around.
All the best for Thursday, keep us posted!! Sending good vibes
you'll do great!
Melinda x
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Welcome Mel,
Heres hoping that your ongoing treatment and surgery is successful and goes smoothly for you. Cuddles, Trace ????????
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Thanks Trace!
Really appreciate it, very much.
Melinda x