New to the group

Hi ladies finally decided to post after reading for weeks, well diagnosed on 27th June first surgery lumpectomy and sentinel nodes on 14th July, long wait for results, not good have travelled through lymph nodes, mastectomy and axillary clearance on 29th July. Don't look as bad as I thought and pain not so bad although major swelling on left rib cage a concern , waiting for path results Monday and then treatment plan, is this is what it is like for a child waiting for birthdays or Christmas; never ending.
Positive vibes to all Cat
Hi cat, gee it all happens so quick doesn't it. I was pleased in a way mine was that way too. Quickly. No time to think. Good luck with your results and all the best with your recovery. Hope your swelling settles down. Waiting is the hardest part. I found with the whole bit that fear of the unknown was the hardest. Once we know about our treatment we can understand more and not feel so anxious. I am waiting on a mastectomy Friday week. Can't go quick enough for me. Had lumpectomy with sentinel nodes then another op to get clear margins. Not clear so right mastectomy next. This is a great place to air our feelings. Sending hugs.x x
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The waiting is the worst
Good to hear you are feeling well and coping ok, all the best for Monday, I hope it gives you a bit of peace of mind while you wait for the next step in your journey to begin
Leila x
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The wait without the fun. Hope all goes well and you have your treatment plan soon. Kath x
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Hi Cat, I just wanted to jump in and welcome you to the Online Network. As you have been able to see the members are just wonderful when it comes to providing support. Thank you for sharing your journey with us so far. x
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Hi Cat, welcome to our online network. Here you will find love support camerarderie, shared knowledge, true understanding of what you are going through and of course friendship. Waiting on results can be so nerve racking. As other ladies have already said - waiting is the hardest part. Once we know what we are dealing with we seem to cope so much better. Good luck and keep us posted. Sending hugsxxx
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Hi Cat and welcome!! Positive vibes and best wishes right back to you!! The waiting is the pits!! And the pain and swelling on the rib cage is sooooooo totally uncomfortable so will pass on a wonderful tip my breast care nurse gave to me. She actually gave me some quite thick dressings and I used that as a buffer between my mastectomy bra and my rib cage and sometimes just by adjusting it that little bit it became an aaaahhhhh moment. (Not always but often enough). Good luck for Monday, let us know how you get on! XX Cath
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Hi there. Its 4 years since l was diagnosed and its hard. The emotions the ups and downs, the bad thoughts the good times. The things you never thought you would get through, but you do and one day you will look back like me and say where did it go. Its doable and you do get there. Good luck and welcome to the gang . Adean xxx
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Hi Cat and welcome. Its a bummer you had to go in for a second surgery but at least that should get to the very bottom of the cancer and you can feel less frightened about the possibility it might come back.
I had the mastectomy left side straight up but the lymph node came back positive so I had the axillary clearance to make sure it hadn't gone into any more nodes. Luckily it hadn't gone to any more nodes and I was left wondering why the surgeon didn't take say 5 or 6 nodes at the initial surgery and save me a second surgery. I am still a bit cranky about that but never mind, what's done is done.
They would already know what type of cancer it was and if it is ER etc positive or not and that will play a part in what further treatments you will have and what chemo type will maximise the success in mopping up any stray cells floating about. Radiation therapy may be required and probably hormone therapy as well.
It was explained to me that all the specialists from a few hospitals get together online with the results and they plan a strategy for further treatment from there. Its a slow process and get used to lots of appointments in the future. You get good at amusing yourself in waiting rooms. Then one day Voila, no more appointments and for a while you will feel lost and not know what to do with yourself lol.
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thanks for encouragement, I know the feeling of surgery not coming quick enough, you are right fear of unknown cant wait till path results Monday and first oncology appointment, will be thinking of you next Friday you will do amazing well with great attitude. Good to know we are not alone
Hugs xx Cat
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Thanks for the tip so, loving the advice, and the amazing welcome I have found, if I had to join a club glad it was this one.
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Thanks Brenda nice to hear from another lefty they haven't told me what type or stage yet, put that in the book for Monday, but so glad to hear that there is light at the end of the tunnel, although I'm pretty sure ill know what to do with my self after all these endless long appointments.
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Hi Adean Thanks for the welcome must say cant wait for the day that this is a distant memory.
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Thanks Suzie you are certainly right about knowledge and friendship through our shared experience, on a positive note I am learning the art of patience which has been forced on me.
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Hi Leila thanks for best wishes Monday can't come soon enough, stay well,
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Hi Kath thanks for you're kind thoughts,can't wait for next step Monday.