Weekend Workout Blog Post Five: Heartmoves

With only two days left of Heart Week for 2016, it’s only fitting we shine a spotlight on Australia’s heart health and talk about Heartmoves.
Heartmoves is a gentle group exercise program suitable for anyone who hasn’t done any exercise in a while. Participants can exercise at their own pace in a friendly atmosphere, either in a fitness centre or a community environment. Heartmoves is open for everyone and is designed to be safe for people with stable, long term health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes or obesity, cancer, or for those who have not exercised for a while and want a low impact and low intensity approach to getting fit. Options for exercising while seated in a chair are also a feature of these classes.
WATCH a short video of a Heartmoves class in action - http://www.heartmoves.org.au/session-video.
Heartmoves classes are run by accredited exercise professionals specifically trained in managing safe, low to moderate intensity physical activity programs. Heartmoves leaders are trained by a team of clinical, health and legal professionals from the Heart Foundation, Health Department and associated professional organisations. The course emphasises clients' safety and welfare in accordance with established guidelines and safety protocols.
Typical elements of exercise programming in a Heartmoves class include:
- resistance training;
- strategies to improve balance, flexibility and co-ordination;
- functional movement; and
- aerobic fitness and endurance training.
Heartmoves classes range in price from $5 to $8 depending on location, business type and leader.
Heartmoves classes are located across the country. To find your nearest class, visit www.heartmoves.org.au/map or call 03 9693 9777 to find the contact details of an accredited leader in your area.
Heartmoves also offers a home-based exercise DVD for $24.95. With the Heartmoves exercise DVD you can be active in the comfort and privacy of your own home and work at your own pace.
For more information about Heartmoves, visit the Heartmoves website www.heartmoves.org.au.
May you be Mindful message.
Notice your posture: in the car, sitting at home, walking or at any time in your day. Gently correct it in a comfortable way – try not to be rigid or judgemental; can you make your weight distribution even on your feet while standing or on your sitting bones while sitting? Can you lengthen the spine a little and open your heart gently? Check your neck is gently back and feel tall and light.
Hint: Put one hand on your tummy, now poke your neck forwards - can you feel your tummy slacken? Now gently draw your neck back as if into loving hands – can you feel a slight internal toning of your tummy? This will help to keep you upright.
Don’t forget to post your mindfulness stories to be in with a chance to win the May you be Mindful prize pack.