Cancer detection dog

I don't know if I have said so before but I do remember my male dog sniffing around my left breast a while before I had cancer confirmed by the doctor. I just thought he was being a bit of a sticky beak and gave him a cuddle. Yesterday I had just taken my lymphedema sleeve off and was putting his lead on for a walk when he gave my forearm the full sniffaroo. Dang he's smart, he knows some things not quite right in there. Nitro is a standard Schnauzer almost 15yrs old.
Hi Brenda,
Funny thing, a friends gorgeous little girl chihuahua is usually all over my husband but in the last 6 months since I have been diagnosed, won't leave me alone. She always wants me to pick her up & cuddle her , where she stares at me meaningfully up close & personal,
It's very cute, but we have all decided she KNOWS !
Cant fool those fur people of ours. . . . . . .
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Yes our furbabies know! Rusty sniffs me from top to toe.. Especially after chemo... He knows when I'm not well & constantly checks on me even waking me intermittently to make sure I'm ok.... They choose us, not the other way around
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Amazing what animals can detect.
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Yep. My fur baby doesn't leave my side for a week after chemo! Curls up with me in bed all day and looks at me with (what I believe are) concerned eyes.
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One of my cats started insisting on curling up on my left side propped up on my left boob every night when I go to bed some 8-9 months before my diagnoses.
He climbs on places his head over the spot my tumor was found in staring at me and purring intensly.
I just thought it was a weird ned habbit.
Since the lumpectomy I worried how I would deal with him as obviously I could not have the 7.5kg supersized cat on a wound but it never became an issue. The moment I got back from the hospital he climber into bed with me sadly sniffed next to my boob then moved down just below my ribs curlled up and started purring while intensily staring at the wound.... Little guy simply knew.
The other one normally sleeps on my husband's side of the bed but since the surgery he too insists on sleeping by my side just below the 1st boy's spot.
I think they simply know...
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Oh my goodness, my cat did the same thing. Used to curl up under my left arm, next to my boob to sleep - the side I had the cancer on. Since the lumpectomy she hasn't slept there but still curls up close after each chemo treatment to look after me. Indeed they know.