Back in a Happy Place - no pills included

Lunanoire Member Posts: 51
edited March 2016 in Health and wellbeing

Firstly, belated thank you to all you wonderful pink ladies to allowed me to indulge, rant and "verbally" process when I needed to. 
I've since dealt with Centrelink as my GP was insistent that I should be on a temporary disability pension as opposed to new start (I think she's over writing medical certificates personally) - when Centrelink decide to bestow their wise decision upon me is anyone's guess.  I cancelled a number of events I was going to run, my GP also placed me on a mild anti-depressant and my friends stepped up to the mark again - one even threatening to permanently hide my superhero cloak if she sees it again.
I've also taught my self something that resembles crochet as I got bored knitting scarves.
I stopped taking the anti-depressants a couple of weeks back (despite my GP's advice) as I felt my old self again - and back standing up on the roller coaster, allowing myself to sit down more when I feel the need.

Interestingly when I was going through my earlier dark period, I found the need to watch Spartacus dvd over and over - all the violence seemed to calm me.

Regarding my treatment, I finished my 12 rounds of weekly chemo on 2 March so last week was the first week I've had in ages without a medical appointment however it was too hot and humid here in Adealide for me to do anything.  Dr in Breast/endocrine clinic was happy, latest heart scan was good, onc said my bloods have been good all the way along so she's happy, and my 6 weeks of daily radio commences on Tuesday.  Can't wait.  Still can't get my chemo port removed as I need to have herceptin until December.

Latest concern is the possible risk of metastatic breast cancer as save from self examination and mammograms, I am not to have any other testing apparently, and I don't like the sound of that considering my HER2-positive was grade 3.  My onc has told me to stop worrying as my lymph nodes were all clear but it is still in the back of my mind, and I guess will always be.

Still have no idea of what to do when my GP allows me to return to work.  Am studying my Cert III Community Services, doing volunteer at a local community centre.  I think I want to raise the awareness of breast cancer especially among younger women and even girls (senior school level).  Rather miffed that my GP never mentioned to me when I had pap smear that maybe I should also have a breast screen after I hit 40 yrs.

Lots of things to think about at the moment so maybe I should do some crochet!!


  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    edited March 2016

    Spartacus hey? Must see if I have that movie. I like the 2004 movie The Punisher as yep like yourself I like the violence and the satisfaction of revenge.

    I have one more cycle of chemo to have before I am done so you are ahead of me although they have promised me I won't need the radiation treatment so that's some good news for me.

    Keep up the fight. XXXX

  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    edited March 2016

    Ok now there's an argument going between my son and I . Which Spartacus, the old Kirk Douglas movie or the new 2004 movie or the series 1,2,3 and 4?

  • Ann-Marie
    Ann-Marie Member Posts: 1,113
    edited March 2016

    Great to see you jump online :) x

  • Lunanoire
    Lunanoire Member Posts: 51
    edited March 2016

    Ooh I forgot about the Kirk Douglas movie - I was referring to the Starz tv version -