
Soniawetzel Member Posts: 9
edited March 2016 in Day to day

Hi everyone my name is Sonia I am 58 and I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer. I have seen my surgeon last week and he has sent me for 3D mammogram, ultrasound and a biopsy of my lymph nodes. I have to see him again next Wednesday to see what the best treatment will be. I won't bulls### you I am very scared but I know surgery has to happen. Then there is chemo and radiation not looking forward to that. Then I think of my husband and my kids and grandkids and it all comes together, and if I want to live I have to do these treatments. Omg it feels good to offload. Thanks so much everyone for letting me vent. 

Sonia xxxx

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  • Scared Mum
    Scared Mum Member Posts: 169
    edited March 2016

    Hi Sonia,

    Im sorry to hear of your diagnoses :( It is a long journey so just take one appointment at a time and try to breath really breath, its a lot to take in and very quickly, make sure you take someone with you to all appointments with a note pad and pen.

    You can post at anytime of the day and there is usually some one around to answer your questions or just to put you mind at rest that you are not alone :) 

    Have you ordered the my journey kit it's free and comes very quickly it helped me a lot understand my daughters breast cancer.

    Big squishy cyber hugs

    Cheers Sue xxx 


  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2016

    Hello Sonia,and welcome to the online network.I was 58 when I was first diagnosed,and I am now 61!!! I was scared witless,and pretty much had myself ' dead and buried' in those early weeks.However,as time went on,I came to realise,after speaking to others on here,and doing a lot of reading of credible books,that BC these days ,for most women,is VERY treatable.I had a mastectomy,followed by chemo,and it was nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be.And now here I am,almost three years later,feeling the healthiest I have ever felt.I take Tamoxifen,but there are no issues with it for me.My husband and children have supported me through everything,and I really have come through it all a much stronger person.I am not afraid of getting sick now,and if I ever have to face something like this again,I KNOW I will be able to do it!!! I have just become a grandmother in the last few weeks,and I will be grandma again in 10 more weeks,so I have so much to live for and be happy about!!! You will get through this,and you WILL be just fine:) Stay connected on here,because this blog is the best place for support from others that truly know how you are feeling.During treatment it was like a second family for me,and it is just recently that I have found myself coming on here less frequently.Its a long time from diagnosis to the end of treatment,but just take it as it comes,and before long,you will be on here supporting newly diagnosed ladies!!! Take care.Cheers Robyn xox

  • traceythomo
    traceythomo Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2016

    I understand just how you feel. I will be 50 this year and was diagnosed 3 weeks ago. I am scared and anxious about the entire process.  Fortunately for me I am already under the care of a psychiatrist and psychologist for other mental health issues. The day I was diagnosed I had an appointment scheduled for 30 mins later with my psychologist. I was able to vent all my fears and feelings about my diagnosis. I was then able to go through the best ways it would be to tell my parents, sister and (especially) my children. My (now) 18 year old son moved to WA (to live with his dad and Stephen)) but now lives with family friends ( it's a long story) and my 15 year old daughter here with me in VIC. Both my kids knew I waiting for test results but I couldn't decide whether or not to tell them (both) straight away or wait 6 days and tell them after my son's 18th birthday. Who did I tell first, his "adopted" dad that he lives with or his "real" dad. I chose the "adopted" and to tell both kids straight away. Then I had to try and figure out how to tell my sister (she lives in Sydney) and then visit my parents. My appointment with my psychologist saved me a lot of anguish that day! I see my psychologist every month and I can vent about anything I like. Sometimes I go in knowing what I want to talk about and then I end up talking about something else. For anyone who would like to talk to someone face to face (outside the Breast Cancer Network) I would recommend getting a referral to one. Your gp can organise 10 visits per calendar year under a mental health plan and these visits are covered by Medicare if the referral is done under the mental health plan. Having said that, don't just use the first one your gp has referred you to! It took me 3 "goes" to find the right psychologist for me. Make sure you shop around for your best fit. Most of us pay more attention to the best fit when purchasing a new car or mobile. You're the priority and

  • traceythomo
    traceythomo Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2016

    Oops hit post by mistake... Priority and you need to be. Oh, and I like the advice by Sue, one appointment at a time,  someone (& a pen and paper) with you at the appointments and the breathe. Good luck with your treatment plan, I hope all of us get the outcome we want..... SURVIVOR 

    Cheers Tracey 


  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    edited March 2016

    Welcome Sonia and you have some good comments already. We all know that scared feeling but knowledge is power so read as much as you can here. If you click on our names, our profiles and posts come up. Some are very scary and some like mine are pretty standard which I know now but at the time I didn't have a clue. Sending hugz your way. xxx

  • ScorpionQueen
    ScorpionQueen Member Posts: 768
    edited March 2016

    Hi Sonia,

    Sorry you have had to join us, but you have come to the right place!

    Good advice so far...Early in diagnosis is the scariest I think, it's the unknowns, the what if's...then comes the treatment plan and you're back to the unknowns and what if's! It really is a roller coaster of emotions.

    I have described it as being thrown into a blender and being told to hang on! Your brain automatically shrouds you in a "protective fog", so you can cope with all of the information being given to you....

    Try not to think too far ahead. Take one day at a time, one appointment at a time, be kind to yourself write questions to ask down, write the answers down, take someone with you to be a second set of ears (trust me you forget things!) and Breeeeathe!

    Best wishes for everything.

    - Tracy

    stay strong|breathe|believe

  • Ann-Marie
    Ann-Marie Member Posts: 1,113
    edited March 2016

    Hi Sonia,

    Welcome to the Online Network. As you can already see the members are here to support you every step of the way. So ask as many questions as you need to at any time and we are here for you.


  • Soniawetzel
    Soniawetzel Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2016

    Thank you all for your comments. I have been for another ultrasound and a 3D mammogram plus a biopsy of a lymph node. I see the surgeon on Wednesday and see where we go from there. I am a little more clear of things now and every day thinking positively and I am still breathing. Once again ladies thank you and I will be in touch xxxxxxx big hugs to all 

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