New Cancer Fatigue & Rehab clinic in Melbourne

AndrewSmith Member Posts: 1
edited February 2016 in Health and wellbeing

Hi all, 

After many years working in the Oncology sector here in Melbourne as an Occupational Therapist, I decided to open a private clinic dedicated to one of the more problematic and unmet needs of those experiencing cancer- Fatigue. 

If you or a loved one undergoing breast cancer treatment or have completed treatment and are experiencing
- cancer related fatigue
- low energy levels
- worry or stress about the future
- worry about your cancer returning
- difficulty getting back to work
- difficulty re-building your everyday life

please read on

I provide clinical assessment and rehabilitation service for people experiencing difficulty re-building their everyday lives after cancer.

I offer one-on-one consultations and longer 12-week self-health management programs depending on your individual needs.

  • Assessment & treatment of Cancer Related Fatigue
  • Goal setting and self-management
  • Exercise & activity prescription
  • Advice to better manage your energy during and after treatment
  • Return-to-work planning and advice
  • Improve your sleep

Im an Occupational Therapist who is passionate about assisting people to regain control of their own personally meaningful lives during and after treatment using simple but effective evidence based approaches in a self-health-management framework.

I've worked as a senior cancer health professional for over 13 years at the major cancer treatment centers in Melbourne including
- Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
- Olivia Newton John Cancer and Wellness centre
- Leukaemia Foundation of Australia
- Australian Cancer Survivorship Centre

I'm registered with medicare and most private health care fund providers.

To book an appointment please call 0423 348 937 or email or visit 

The clinic is located at 183 Station St, Fairfield (co-located at Fairfield Podiatry)

Keep well,
Andrew Smith
Clinic Director and Occupational Therapist