Today is good!

ScorpionQueen Member Posts: 768
edited February 2016 in Health and wellbeing

Hi Troopers!

Hope you are all doing well today! and if you're not, hugs......Sorry I haven't been commenting on most posts, my eyes have been a bit haywire and I was finding it hard to focus....but today I actually feel good!


Today's Fb blog


Day 8 - after round 1


I'm finding myself waking at about 3 am and not being able to go back to sleep. My body is aching from only being able to lie on one side all of the time, I find it difficult to sleep on my back too (being 'blessed' with big boobs actually makes it hard for me to breathe! ...believe it!) and there comes a point where I just can't lie down anymore! So I tossed and turned until the alarm went off at 5 am....hubby went off to work and I finally fell back to sleep until 8 am.


I so wish I could soak in a hot bath! Grrr! So I did some stretches this morning along with my arm exercises instead. Hopefully I'll get into the physio soon and they can help with my aches.....


It takes a while for my brain to "wake up"'s like the old TV sets that used to have a 'warm up' phase LOL! Today I'm a bit clearer in the head and apart from the aches, I actually feel good. :)


*whispers* No heartburn so far!


It's going to be another hot day here today, so going outside makes it a bit difficult, but I'll have a walk around the yard before it gets too hot. Rusty likes this too as he plays and zooms around me "rounding me up"!


All in all a pretty easy morning so far, will probably wander into work tomorrow too....I AM grateful I'm married to the boss! :p

I'm sure there are some really understanding employers out there, but I'm pretty sure (until my sickies and holidays were used up I guess) I wouldn't have a job otherwise.....


Hope you all stay cool and calm.......and don't forget to keep your pets cool too!** Rusty's first trip to the waters edge....he was about 11 weeks old


- Tracy


  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,269
    edited February 2016

    Hi Tracy, I've been thinking of you. Glad you're feeling a bit better today. 

    Take care, Lyn

  • Cook65
    Cook65 Member Posts: 733
    edited February 2016

    Hi Tracy,

    glad you are having a good day. Your Rusty is just gorgeous. What a lovely companion.

    karen xox

  • Alsopt
    Alsopt Member Posts: 225
    edited February 2016

    Hi Trace those days of chemo can be crap but you have the attitude I found it a mixed up time yep 3am back there my goodness rest assured it does get better currently on day 16 of radio whose counting? Keep your sense of humour 5 months of chemo here expander all the rest honesty is the best policy and its great to see that xxx 

  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    edited February 2016

    Hi Tracy, great you are feeling ok and no heartburn!  Such a great pic of Rusty!!!!! Soooo cute. Moppitt has not left my side for one minute since I had my last chemo on Tuesday. He actually tried to GET IN the shower with me this morning! LOL. It seems he can sense something is different about me straight after treatments. He'll happily spend all day sleeping by my side. Love him to bits.

    Stay cool in the heat today. They tell me it will be 39 here today. Glad I don't have to go out anywhere.

    Take care, Nadine


  • ScorpionQueen
    ScorpionQueen Member Posts: 768
    edited February 2016

    Aww moppett is a cutie! 

    Animals can definitely sense when things aren't quite right with us and the energy around them... We are blessed we get chosen by them!

    hooe you are well today Nadine xx