Facebook groups for breast cancer, australia only

Hello lovely ladies,
Is anyone on here a member of an australian Breast cancer facebook support group? I am part of an international one and i just find the information confusing or conflicting because treatments or medicines are different in different countries (or at least seem to be)
I wondered if there were groups they might be set to secret or something.
Hope you're all enjoying a happy Sunday
I only joined one in my home city last night. I found it by entering "breast cancer" follwed by your city name ?? Best wishes ????
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Reclaim your curves has a fb page, mostly on reconstruction but other stuff too!
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I am only on reclaim your curves - which is awesome but maybe not relevant to you ?
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thanks guys, reconstruction isnt on my list as I've only needed at this stage a lumpectomy and a couple of sentinel nodes removed. I get results this coming thursday so hopefully thats the only surgery i need and we just move onto treatment plan then. Will try your suggestion Rosetta
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I too can't seem to find one for Sydney or Australia Donna!
Maybe some of them are closed groups too?
Good luck!
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Hi Donna
I don't know of any Australian Facebook groups that focus on new treatments or medicines. Our website will have information when any new treatment have been approved in Australia or if we are advocating to have something added to the PBS.
You may like to subscribe to our Research Bulletin for updates on the latest research. For information on this visit https://www.bcna.org.au/news-events/latest-research/
If you have any questions about new treatments you've heard of please get in touch with our policy team by phoning 1800 500 258 or email policy@bcna.org.au
You might also be interested in joining a face-to-face support group. There are many in South East Queensland. You can find them by searching here https://www.bcna.org.au/services-and-support-groups/ or phoning 1800 500 258.
Warm regards
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Hi Kim, I'm not looking for groups focussing on new treatments, I just like the pace of facebook groups. I have found this one very useful and helpful, but I am also appreciative of the community mindness of good facebook support groups. I feel support can come from so many different forms.
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Absolutely agree! If I come across anything I will let you know.
If there's anything else we can do please get in touch.
Best wishes
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For those ladies who like me, like a good facebook group, I joined this one as suggested by Christinem. They welcome all ladies not just from Adelaide.
If you join up, they will send you a pm to check you are legitmately needing to be in the group. I thought that was a great idea. I might start implementing it in my own facebook group lol.
Thanks all!