Shine Like Truth - Young Woman Breast Cancer Survivor blog

Hi Ladies
If you are interested, I write a blog called Shine Like Truth. It's a blog I created to talk about my cancer journey and how it's shaped my life everyday since then. You might find it a good read or discover relevant information. As I was going through BC treatment, being a young woman I found the experience somewhat lonely, more so since there weren't too many other women in whom I could relate to.
The blog is I would love to hear your thoughts.
Absolutely amazing, I haven't read it all yet but saved it to favourites for later. Thankyou!
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Good on you Melanie!
People automatically think BC only visits older women, your blog is a wake up call to remain vigilant when it comes to your health!
I initially didn't want to do it, but I too have started a FB page mainly for my family and friends, sending hundreds of texts was getting tiresome!
I think blogs are an invaluable tool, not only do they help you release but they also can also provide an important insight into what we go through each and every day throughout our experience and dispel some myths and legends that are out there about BC.
Yes it can seem very lonely at times....funny how you can be in a room full of friends and family and still feel this way! But know we've got your back Melanie! We will march right beside you and get you through this.
Love and light for easy recovery and beautiful days....
stay strong|breathe|believe
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sorry no edit button......your blog is amazing! shoots straight from the helps me too!
.love the look of the quinoa salad, may have to try that!
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Have read a little and love it !!!
I've also followed you - I have had tumblr for a while but have been meaning to change it a bit to reflect my after BC self, I think I will do that now
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Thanks Brenda
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Hi Tracy
Thank you for your message. I'm glad you are enjoying the blog. I'm always spun out when people read it.
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Hi Marlee
So good to hear from you! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Hope it had some relevance to your experience
Keep in touch