Breathing a sigh of relief

I am sitting here having my 3rd cycle of chemo through my newly inserted port. After a lot of pain using it to get bloods yesterday I was apprehensive about how I would go today. I was given an elma patch with local anaesthetic to put on an hour before. When the dreaded time came I DIDN'T FEEL A THING. Hallelujah! What a relief. So much better than hunting for veins for a cannula. Now I can breathe again and get on with the rest of treatment. I remind myself of the saying "these things shall pass" well now that hurdle with the needles has passed.
Best wishes to all
Hi Nadine, you should find it even better next time, as the initial swelling & pain from the insertion will be gone. It's pretty sore to start with though, isn't it, along with the swelling.
Hope the rest of this cycle goes well. What chemo are you having?
Take care, Lyn
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They are clever those chemo mob. Glad its all going well for you.
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Oh Nadine,
I'm reading this with baited breath as I have had talk of getting a port before I start chemo as I have awful veins......when I looked up what it entails to get one, I thought Geez! It's not enough the universe decides we get BC, but we have to endure all these other things as well?? Far out!
Iv'e already had quite enough of needles and the like...and I've only just begun!
I guess it's a small price to pay in light of the bigger picture...
Soldier on!
Good luck with the rest of your treatment!
Love and light for easy recovery and beautiful days.
- Tracy Xx
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I was just about to ask everyone if that pain gets better. I used my port for my first round of chemo 1 week after getting in put in and the pain was insain! I was also given an anesetic cream to put on for next time but now I feel like I'm going to have to put it on every single time because I never want to have pain like the first time. But maybe that's not necessary, does it really get better?? Maybe I should just stop being a baby and give it a go.
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Hi Lyn, it's good to know it will only get better!!! I wasn't really told how sore it would be in the first week or so. It does still feel like I have bruising directly under the port, but the patch I had today meant that I didn't feel anything.
I am having 4 cycles of Docetaxal and Cyclophosphamide, and 17 cycles of Herceptin. So infusions for total of 12 months every 3 weeks. Hopefully will finish in December.
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Hi Tracy after being told I had such great veins before I started chemo I really wish I had taken the advice and got a port before I started. The drugs really do a number on your veins. I had a chemo leak through the cannula and now have internal scarring. The discomfit I have had during the first week of the port would have been easier to bear if I had been told about it. As it is, it is still better than all the pain from cannulas that I experienced through the first 2 cycles.
In short, having done the other way first, the port is SO Much better and it really is a small price to pay And there are no leaks with ports. For me, while early days no regrets so far.
Good luck with your choice, I know it's different for everyone.
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Hi Cathy, for me I have only had 2 things done through the port so far. The first without cream yesterday definitely hurt more from the pressure of pushing down on the port rather than the prick of the needle. It felt like a thumb tack going into my chest but it was only 1 and a bit weeks after insertion, I was lying down when they accessed it and I am sure I still have bruising inside. Today was an absolute breeze after having the patch. Yes I asked for a patch to take home for the next time. I will be using a patch every time as I am having 3 weekly treatments for a year. A lot of other women, including a 78 yr old woman who was sitting next to me today do they same thing and get a patch for every time. Small price to pay for me. Maybe it wouldn't hurt without the patch but why risk it when there is such a simple solution.
If it is still really painful talk to the onco team or the surgeon who put in in.
Hope it gets better for you, Nadine
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Hi Nadi, I've had a portacath in now since November and having weekly chemo. I also use lignicaine cream. At times accessing the port has been painful. I have found that often the level of pain depends on the technique of the nurse who is accessing the port. I had one nurse in particular who I often had pain with. I've requested that I have another nurse, the result - no pain or discomfort. Try to request the nurse that accessed your port (without pain) for every treatment.
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Thanks for the tip! It was however the same nurse both times - I think it hurt more first time because for some reason he had me lie down when we were getting bloods. The second time for chemo I was sitting up and had the patch and it didn't hurt.