Graphite Pencil Portraiture

ScorpionQueen Member Posts: 768
edited January 2016 in Day to day

TRIGGER WARNING: This post contains material that may be triggering to parents who have a lost an infant. -BCNA


My arm is getting better slowly and can tolerate a little drawing movement, but I'm going in for more surgery Friday week, so hopefully that won't hinder it again!

Anyways, I'll keep posting the artwork I have done until i do a new piece. 

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This piece is very, very close to me and very personal. Just before I was diagnosed with BC, I was on a mission to start a new sector of my artworks. I had made contacts and was about to launch my next phase... It's called "In Angels Arms - Dedicated to the memory of those who were too beautiful for this earth" Unfortunately I have many friends and family who have lost babies. I wanted to provide a highly respectful and dignified service to the parents and family of these little Angels. A chance to have a portrait drawn of their precious ones. So I approached my friends that I am closest too and asked if they would be interested to be in my portfolio. We cried, remembered and they accepted my offer often with the comment, "where were you then?" Little did they know all they had to do was ask.... I managed to complete one portrait before my diagnosis. I am truly honored to be able to share ( with permission of parents and family) with you baby Shannon.. I have known Shannon's parents since we were teens...I gave the portrait to Mum a few weeks before Christmas and she said even though it was so long ago, she finally feels completed now. 

If I can take a little of the pain away, even if just for a second. I have done my job.... Xx



  • donnafischer
    donnafischer Dragonfly Posts: 144
    edited January 2016

    So beautiful... what a wonderful and special thing to do for grieving parents.

  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    edited January 2016

    Again, 3rd time lucky. I will not lose this response.

    I absolutely love what you've done, and I'm sure will continue to do. You have such talent & sensitivty. 

    In a prior time, I was a midwife. The birth of a new baby is such a precious time. I always said my job was the best, until it was the worst. Having said that, to be able, in some small way, to help a family in those first hours & days after such a massive loss.... Gut wrenching, devastating, but somehow rewarding.

    Have you heard of Heartfelt, an organisation with a network of volunteer photographers who go and take photos for families at these times, following the loss of a baby or young infant. Some of their photos are amazing. 

    You are an amazing woman with a beautiful talent, that I'm sure your friend appreciates. 

    Take care, Lyn

  • ScorpionQueen
    ScorpionQueen Member Posts: 768
    edited January 2016


    Thank you for your words....Yes I have seen Heartfelts' work. So beautiful.....Back when Shannon was born no one even did photographs, I was told by Shannon's Mum. I have though long and hard about this kind of portraiture for a long time and it has been welcomed so far... I am a very spiritual person and when I draw a portrait of any kind, I 'tune" in. I felt very calm and serene whilst drawing Shannon, and without going into details, was told I captured that. I have also learnt (although it took me a long time) that tears are the biggest compliment that can be paid to me for my work, for it means I have captured the very essence of the subject.

    Makes me feel very blessed to have my talent to share..

    -Tracy Xx


  • ScorpionQueen
    ScorpionQueen Member Posts: 768
    edited January 2016

    Thank you Donna



  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    edited January 2016

    For as long as I worked as a Midwife, in all different hospitals, we midwives took photos, but I personally, was never happy with the ones I took. 

    Keep doing what you are (when you're able, of course), you will provide many precious memories with you beautiful work. 

    Lyn, xx

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    edited January 2016

    Thank you for sharing, it's really lovely ????????