Happy Australia Day from Fraser Island

donnafischer Dragonfly Posts: 144
edited January 2016 in Day to day

Happy Australia Day to you all. I hope today was kind to you.  Hubby and I decided to put the boat in the water and head out to our happy place, Fraser Island. 

We'd been waiting all across my Christmas break to go camping there, but the universe conspired against us everytime we wanted to go away. What the universe was telling me was to get your bloody boob checked Donna. I'd had my bi-annual mammogram referral (but i didnt find the lump till a week afterwards!) Anyway, despite a really crappy looking start to the day, sitting around waiting for rain/showers to ease, cutting my toenails, we finally saw it clear, and we headed off.

Friends of ours were already about half an hour ahead of us, and we popped in to say hi. For some reason today, I felt very emotional again. Whether it was the good old Aussie pride coming through, whether its getting closer to surgery (1 week and 2 days) I don't know. But instead of joining them all, after a quick chat we headed further along, avoiding the crowds. 

We found a beautiful spot just down from Kingfisher Resort. Not a soul around (apart from a few marsh flies and a mass of native bees who apparently thought we were yummy)  This was what i needed, connecting back with nature, the beach, the ocean and mother nature/s creatures. Not gonna lie, there may have been a little skinny dipping incident as well. Well, until a small aircraft flew over and a mad scramble was done!


  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    edited January 2016

    Hi Donna. It's always good to take time out for something pleasure, but particularly important now, when there is so much going on in your life, &, I dare say, in your mind. I've visited Fraser Island once, in the early 90's, & remember it's beauty. So nice that you've got that so close, to visit when you can.

    Take care, Lyn

  • Ann-Marie
    Ann-Marie Member Posts: 1,113
    edited January 2016

    Hi Donna,

    It really is amazing just how good the beach and the water makes you feel. I have plans to get to Fraser Island one day.

    Looks like you had a lovely day with hubby, and what a stunning picture.

    ~ Ann-Marie x

  • ScorpionQueen
    ScorpionQueen Member Posts: 768
    edited January 2016

    How wonderful you have this beautiful space just a boats ride away! We certainly do live in the lucky country Donna! Friends of ours just got back from Fraser and we were planning a big trip later in the year, but the universe has treatment planned for me. Beautiful photo!

    Nature provides a therapy like no other, I often escape to the coast (i'm in Sydney) to sit by the ocean....I sit and breathe in the saltiness, freshness and calm, it soothes the soul.

    Glad you got to get a way before your surgery, the waiting is the worst part! I'm recovering from mine and waiting to begin treatment.

    Wishing you all the very best Donna.

    Love and light for easy recovery and beautiful days..


    stay strong|breathe|believe

  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612
    edited January 2016

    Gorgeous picture. There's nothing like having the beach to yourself. I always find it relaxing and renewing.

  • skitzy
    skitzy Member Posts: 180
    edited January 2016

    It is great that you managed to get to Fraser Donna. The ocean always make me feel peaceful & calm. We went to Mooloolaba a couple of weekend's ago & it certainly took my mind off  things.

    The middle son was camping on Fraser over the new year. One day we will get there ourselves, when hubby has a bit more 4W drive experience. Lol

    Hope everything goes well with the surgery.xx

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    edited January 2016

    Hi Donna, thank you for sharing even under such challenging circumstances. I hope that your surgery and follow up treatment is successful.

    Take care, Trace ????????

  • donnafischer
    donnafischer Dragonfly Posts: 144
    edited January 2016

    Thanks guys, Its the most peaceful place on the earth. I love the other side that looks out to the ocean (this side looks back to Hervey Bay) The wildness of that ocean just takes my breath away. Most definitely my happy place. Here's a tip for visitors, if you are going, try to go just before school holidays. The tracks arent so torn up and its so very very quiet.