New to the group

I'm new to the group. I am a 49 year old married (20 years) mother of three (18, 17 and 10) diagnosed 27/10/15 with TN breast cancer. Stage 2b. I have had four infusions of AC and will start on Paclitaxel 05 Feb. I will have 12 weekly infusions followed by surgery (lumpectomy) and radiation.
Hi Yvette and welcome to bcna. Looks like it doesn't give vegans an exemption either. You sound to be coping very well with the chemo. Well done.
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Thanks Brenda5! Haha, nope don't think anyone is exempt though I do have to say that my tumor preceded my veganism. I have a 20+ year history of lumps (some watched, some removed) and put this one off for months before getting it checked (bad idea). I became a vegan after the lump but nearly 10 months prior to diagnosis.
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Welcome Yvette, sounds to me that you're on the right track and doing well. Persistence is the key, something that sometimes challenges me. It's my aim this year to establish that everyday habit of exercise. Best of luck and big cuddles from Trace ??????????
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Hi Tracey! Thanks for your thoughts and cuddles. Persistence is a great word and necessity through these challenging times. I have a long history of regular exercise so that has certainly helped. Just when chemo fatigue set in (after round three) I found that working out at my most tired time in the afternoon was the best way to feel awake (I tried naps but sadly that made me feel worse). I know it sounds crazy but it actually works very well for me; talking myself into doing it is sometimes another story. Best of luck to you too! Yvette