I Finished Chemo Yesterday

Arleene Member Posts: 238
edited January 2016 in Health and wellbeing

Hi Ladies and Gentleman,

I did it yesterday was my last day of Chemo and it feels great, knowing the worst is over but I had mixed emotions because the nurses have been fantastic and I will miss them. I did 5 months and 1 week exactly but boy there were times I wanted to stop, I did 3 rounds of the 3 weekly AC, 12 weekly doses of Paclitaxol but I did It, I ended up with Peripheral Neuropathy in my feet but I can live with that and it may or may not be perminent I'll just have to see. I start my 6 weeks of radiation on the 22nd of Febuary so I get a decent break and get the chance to get back to some sort of normality, I have to have radiation in 2 spots my lumpectomy site and the left side of my neck because it was in SLN, but I figure Radiation will be a walk in the park compared to Chemo, It's funny how our outlook on life is different after a diagnosis of bc, I want to say Thankyou to everyones support on the network, sending cuddles, big smiles and heaps of positive vibes.





  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,710
    edited January 2016

    Hi Anita! Woo hoo!  What a relief that is behind you now!  Rest up ready and rejuvenate ready for the next part!

    Good on you!  Take care

    Christine xx

  • Arleene
    Arleene Member Posts: 238
    edited January 2016

    Hi Christine, Thanks I am so happy chemo is finished now I can move forward and onwards and upwards from now on but I pushed it a bit too hard today I vacuumed and dusted most of the house I shouldn't have dusted it was too much too soon, I usually feel really good after chemo and I just got carried away I suppose LOL anyway I am resting now sort of but I might have some lunch even though it's almost 3pm in the afternoon, I am loving not having to take pain killers all the time Panadol osteo that's all awesome but later in the week we'll see. Sending you a big smile and a big cuddle and loads of positive vibes.


  • maryroset1
    maryroset1 Member Posts: 240
    edited January 2016

    Wonderful news Anita. Great that the chemo chapter is behind you. Hoping rads goes ok for you. Start preparing the area with moo goo.

    Wishing you the very best wishes????


  • Cook65
    Cook65 Member Posts: 733
    edited January 2016

    Congrats Anita.

    its a huge relief to finish chemo and yes radio is fairly easy compared to chemo (that was my experience anyway). The support on this site is fabulous. Good luck with the next phase. Karen xox

  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    edited January 2016

    Yay for you Anita another milestone. Take the time you have to rest and get yourself ready for the next step in your trip. Sending a hug xx

  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,269
    edited January 2016

    Hi Anita, glad to hear you've finished chemo. Even better that you've got a bit of a break before starting radiotherapy. Hope it all goes well for you.

    Take care, Lyn

  • Arleene
    Arleene Member Posts: 238
    edited January 2016

    Hi Maryrose,

    Thanks the worst chapter of this journey is over, I've had my ct scan and they gave me tattoos ready for Rads but I feel that will be a walk in the park compared to Chemo I still find my emotions are still very mixed and Ii suppose it will be that way for a little while, the nursing staff were so fantastic you actually miss them but I will see them when I have my Rads because it's the same building after all. Sending a cuddle and a smile.


  • Arleene
    Arleene Member Posts: 238
    edited January 2016

    Hi Karen,

    Thanks it feels great to finish Chemo, my hair's growing back now but what's this new normal? sometimes I feel like the old me but then other times it's like oh you can't do that you have bc it's all very confusing oh well I suppose I'll work it out. I'm glad I won't have to go into the Cancer Centre for 6 weeks we need the break after chemo. During that break I have plans oh to be semi normal again, sending you a cuddle and a smile and loads of positive vibes.


  • Arleene
    Arleene Member Posts: 238
    edited January 2016

    Hi Rowdy,

    Finishing Chemo was n awesome feeling as you would know but mixed feelings come along with it, I know I should rest and I overdid it yesterday and boy did my body let me know lol, but it felt great to be able to do housework something I still despise doing, I don't like to dust but hey even that is something I enjoy now lol, I have 6 weeks off so I'll have plenty of time to rest and start doing my normal stuff also, I have so man goals I want to achieve and I will, it's amazing how having bc can change your outlook on life little things matter the most now not big things I want to enjoy life not waste it not even a second, sending you a big hug and a smile and loads of positive energy.


  • Arleene
    Arleene Member Posts: 238
    edited January 2016

    Hi Lyn,

    I was so happy to finish chemo but It's a part of life you become used to especially seeing a smile on the nurses face every Monday it sort of in a strange way brightens your day but only someone with bc can understand that, when you finish the nurses give you a gift of a hand made Butterfly made by a lady for the Breast Cancer Patients and It really is very special to me because I live in Darwin I just love the Aboriginal people and every piece of Artwork has a meaning and the butterfly signifies a new life and a new beginning and a fighting Spirit I will hand it down to my daughter one day she adores it, I cried when I opened it and read the message it's very special and I feel very priveliged to call myself a survivor and will wear it with pride as it is a Broach, I am looking forward to the next step on my journey as it's one more step to the end of treatment yahoo, sending a cuddle and a smile and loads of positive vibes.
