
Jacqueline Member Posts: 106
edited June 2011 in Day to day

Hi everyone! Well I am half way through the chemo, the last cycle was a bit rugged but coming good now but finding the nausea is hanging around but is bearable with maxalon now, but not earlier in the week....did anyone else find that with FEC?

Everytime I went to move felt like I was going to vomit, rang my oncology unit and because I wasn't actually vomiting was told to "keep the fluids up" disappointing as before I started chemo was told that you did not have to put up with nausea at all, and actually the nausea I was used to putting up with,  it was the fact that this time I was unable to move without the violent wave coming over me and being the miser that I am I would do anything rather than actually be sick.

Anyway rang the gp and got some zofran what a relief that was to feel human again!!

I start the taxotare next cycle so do not have any idea how it will effect me.

Hope everyone else is ok.



  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,836
    edited March 2015

    I don't think you will be as nauseous with Taxotere.However that symptom is a trade off for headache,aching bones and muscles.It's a bit disconcerting when you are encouraged to ring the onc.unit with any concerns and they direct you to a gp.That happened to me when I had an awful headache and couldn't move.I'm sure the poor gp would have just said go to hospital.In the end I took some  strong panadiene and ended my misery.Good on you for reaching halfway mark-all down hill now

                                             luv Tonya xx

  • Jacqueline
    Jacqueline Member Posts: 106
    edited March 2015

    Hi Tonya, oh well I would prefer nausea I think as I hate headaches I used to suffer from migraines, is it ok to take panadeine?

    Yeah half way is a milestone when I was so sick last week I was thinking ONLY halfway but now I am thinking yahoo half way!!!!

    I am lucky I have a good GP and doesn't mind if I just ring and tell him what I want.

    Better go and sort out something for dinner and feed the hungry man, he has been chopping wood so I had better put a bit of an effort in tonight.

    Luv Jacqui

  • Maria333
    Maria333 Member Posts: 191
    edited March 2015

    Congratulations take a bow, you've made it half way thru. Wooohoooo.

    I have Zofran in my bag as a a backup, I think just knowing it's there helps.

    Everytime I have felt nauseas i have a little snack, seems to help. I thought I would pile on the weight but instead i have lost weight. Must have something to do with lots of small snacks.

    I only just had my 2nd FEC so I'm right behind you.

  • Maria333
    Maria333 Member Posts: 191
    edited March 2015

    Congratulations take a bow, you've made it half way thru. Wooohoooo.

    I have Zofran in my bag as a a backup, I think just knowing it's there helps.

    Everytime I have felt nauseas i have a little snack, seems to help. I thought I would pile on the weight but instead i have lost weight. Must have something to do with lots of small snacks.

    I only just had my 2nd FEC so I'm right behind you.

  • Jacqueline
    Jacqueline Member Posts: 106
    edited March 2015

    Hi Maria, lucky you I was only given zofran on the day of chemo and 5 tablets to take home to have morning and night for 2 days after the chemo, that is why I had to get some from my GP and the only reason I knew to ask for that was when I rang the unit and was told to "keep the fluids up" she mumbled something about if it got no better in a day or two I could probably have zofran that was when I got straight on to my GP. I find this attitude frustrating as I have chemo on the Friday and live out of town so it is not convenient if I need something on the weekend as my dr doesn't work weekends so for me forewarned is forearmed, I can get a script and have the stuff here just in case.

    I found the first cycle a breeze felt unwell for only about 2-3 days  the second one unwell for about 4-5 days and few more side effects slipped in and this time it flattened me for 6-7 days and the heartburn  started, but everyone is different and I am not telling you this to worry you but sometimes knowing what is going to happen helps.

    Are you FEC for the whole 6 cycles or change 1/2 way through?

    One of the girls has told me that with Taxotare (what I will be having for the next 3 cycles) I will be trading the nausea for headaches and muscle and joint pain, I think I would rather have the nausea as I used to suffer from migraine headaches so am not looking forward to that, but then again I might not get them, I tend to take everything on board then just wait and see what happens.

    Don't hesitate to ask any questions I am only too happy to help if I can.

    Chin up there is light at the end of the tunnel and each cycle makes that light shine brighter.

    Cheerio for now,




  • Loretta d
    Loretta d Member Posts: 124
    edited March 2015

    Hi Jacqui I am on my 4th chemo & have just changed over from FEC to docetaxel(taxotare). I didn't get the nausea with this one but did get some muscle/bone pain, felt like an old lady shuffling around for the first week! I found that taking panadol osteo or nurofan plus hepled. I also had stomach trouble, constipation that then turned into the other! I suffer from migranes too & was worried I would get them but so far have only had mild headaches that panadol clears up. it knocked me around for the 1st week after but I have felt ok all of this week just tired. I was due to have my next one this Thursday but I have delayed it to the following week as I am going away for the weekend & wanted to feel ok for it. Wishing you all the best  Loretta xx