Have a Cool Yule
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Hi Everyone,
I wish you all a peaceful and happy day on Friday. Enjoy your family and friends, and embrace the love. Here's to a positive 2016, Trace ????????
Merry Christmas to you snd your family Tracey. May 2016 be a year of happiness and good health for you.??????
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Tracey, I LOVE this picture
Wishing you all the love and happiness.
Ann-Marie x
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Great picture!
Have a lovely Christmas and a great New Year
Take Care
Christine xx
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Merry Christmas to you and your family, Tracey. Wishing you health and happiness in 2016. Karen xx
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Hi Tracey,
I love this picture it's amazing. I wish you a merry christmas and a happy and healthy 2016 to you and your family, I plan to have an amazing Christmas with my family, my hair is growing back quite quickly which is awesome, sending you a cuddle and a smile.
Merry Christmas,
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Big cuddles to you too my friend. You've done so well this year, and it's so awesome that your hair is growing back so quickly. My hair is at about a number 2-3 if it was clipped, my eyebrows and eyelashes are back as well. Here's hoping that things will just keep on getting better during 2016.
I'm due for a mammogram and ultrasound on February 10th, and will see my surgeon on the same day. If all is well, we will discuss reconstruction, so hoping that it's all okay.
Youll be finished your chemo soon, so that will be so much better for you. Here's a group buddy hug for us all, and hopes for better days ahead.
Enjoy the day together with your family, and embrace the day.
Loves, cuddles and smiles, Trace ??????????
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Hi Trace,
I will be so glad once chemo has finished I worked out I will have had chemo for 5 months and 1 week, I feel so tired and emotional all the time now but the end is in sight finally, I have my ct scan for radiotherapy on the 11th of january and start radiotherapy at the end of febuary my mil is going home for a month in between the end of chemo and starting radiation I so need time away from her, she's worse than ever but I don't let her get to me now, having had bc has made me into a stronger woman and I am proud of that. My hair has changed colour to a light brownish colour I think I'm not to sure yet but it grows fast. My eyelashes and eyebrows are falling out now but they'll grow back soon enough, I hope you are having a lovely time with your family and had a nice christmas and a happy new year, we had a quiet one this year and we are hoping 2016 is a better year for us, I hope everything goes well with your mammogram and ultrasound and your appointment on Febuary 10th sending you a huge hug and a big smile, Anitaxx
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Hope you have a very happy blessed Chridtmas and wish you and everyone a very Happy New Year, filled with loves X good health.