Confidence lost confidence found

Kerr Kerr
Kerr Kerr Member Posts: 28
edited December 2015 in Health and wellbeing

I just wanted to put into words my observations on the many strong empowering amazing women that we are. 

I know the breast cancer journey of mammograms ultra sounds ct scans MIR's blood tests radiation chemo, procedure after procedure ....... Has a way of leaving us with depleted confidence.  We feel pushed and prodded and quite often thru no fault of their own the doctors and surgeons don't always treat us with the care and understanding that we deserve.

I felt the doctors were talking as if they were removing a splinter from me and removing my breast was nothing. All this knocked my confidence and took a great deal of strength to be my own advocate  

I am determined to use this Breast cancer experience to build my confidence and not deplete it!  

They have come a long way in breast cancer research but yes they still have a long long way to go and only with all of us strong women can they continue to progress and offer women the options we deserve. We need to do our own research and also dig deep inside of ourselves to really know what we want out of a whole lot of things we don't want but have to have. (Hope that makes sense)

Everyone of you women are amazing women, Mothers, wives, people, friends, believe that and don't let your breast cancer experience rob you of your confidence. To get thru these experiences takes amazing strength and all of you women have this in abundance. 

Please don't let Breast cancer cause you to loose your confidence but rather use it to find your confidence. 

I have so much respect for all and anyone that has or had breast cancer. 

Kerr Kerr 


  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,269
    edited December 2015

    Thanks for a timely reminder. Seven months since diagnosis, & I've had a few down days, but starting to pick myself up again.?? ??

    Take care, Lyn

  • ronnie29
    ronnie29 Member Posts: 14
    edited December 2015

    They really should have a thumbs up, like button on here :)


  • Chelle48
    Chelle48 Member Posts: 14
    edited December 2015

    Thank you for reminding us of this Kerr Kerr...confidence certainly shot after rhe blurr that is our BC Journey.  Your comparing the removal of the breast by the surgeon as akin to removing a nailed that one on the head for sure...I could so relate...and was only given half an hour to decide weather I wanted a mastectomy or more tissue taken and chemo and radiation, couldnt think about it my surgeon needed to know before I left his office. One can feel so powerless. When I mentioned I was worried about the cancer spreading to my other breast the surgeon offered to take it also like it was no problem! Easy..just let me know. Nah sorry...research and making choices based on information given is your right as it's your body. We become braver...our confidence returns and we are changed eventually for the better. All the best with your journey.



  • Jane221
    Jane221 Member Posts: 1,194
    edited December 2015

    They're great observations Kerr Kerr, and unfortunately we can feel a bit like we're just another body on the conveyor belt of cancer.

    You're right we do have to become our own advocates and that is something that is so hard to do, especially when you feel that you have been bashed and bruised and your life is not your own and it's not something I always succeed at, but I am getting better at it!  I think it's also important that we use our voices wherever we can, such as through this network / research studies etc so that our experiences are not lost and organisations like BCNA can help us to improve things for those coming along after us.

    Best of luck in building your confidence, it sounds as though you are well on the way to an even stronger you. Jane xx  

  • Pink66
    Pink66 Dragonfly Posts: 366
    edited December 2015

    Double Thumbs Up to you Kerr Kerr <3<3<3.

  • kimck
    kimck Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2015

    Inspirational words, thank you. 


  • Kim R
    Kim R Member Posts: 146
    edited December 2015

    Great post Kerr,

    I know what you mean you need to ensemble a team that you trust around you. I have had doctors that have no idea and found others that I want to hug. 

    I have tried to educate people on my experiences so if they are ever in this place they will not be quiet as afraid and know what to expect and where to get help. Thank you all the women on BCNA for your advice and stories.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    edited December 2015

    What a woman you are too Kerr Kerr. Sending you a big cuddle, Trace ????????