Finished treatment.

I thought I would post in the triple negative group as I notice it has been very quiet in here lately.
After nearly a year of treatment, lumpectomy, chemo, mastectomy, implant - then expander removed and finally radiation I have finished!! My skin is dark red and starting to peel, I have used copious amounts of moo goo but it is still sore and peeling. In December it is a year since my diagnosis. What a year! I accepted a redundancy at work as they restructured my role while I was in treatment ( nice right?). So am aiming for the new year for a new job.
So now I have to learn to manage the fear of recurrence, no hormone treatment for us triple negative women. I am exercising, trying to eat healthily and avoiding Google. Some days I feel fantastic, others I feel like my mortality is staring me in the face. Mostly though I look forward and make plans. None if us know what's next do we?
I hope you are all doing well.. I would love to hear how you deal with life after treatment..
Hi Tanya
thanks for your post. I like your approach and I agree a focus on healing and getting on with change is the way to go.
All the best
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Hi Lisa. The whole of 2014 disappeared with chemo, ops & treatments. Beginning of 2015 I had the double mastectomy and returned to work after recovery. It was tough as so many changes at work, I had to relearn my job from the person who filled in for me, brain was foggy & energy levels low. Getting to know the new normal has been interesting. My attitude to life is different now. I don't strive anymore but live in the here & now. Grateful for my life. I do find the side effects of treatment gets me down. I regularly see my GP & have been to see several specialists. Sometimes I feel like a hypochondriac! So many aches & pains, sleep disturbances & physical issues. I've started to exercise more rigoriusly and this is somehow helpining me overcome a lot of my health problems. I'm hoping that 2016 will finally see the end of the tunnel and give Bupa a rest!
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Hi Corinna
I hear you about the foggy brain and low energy levels. I am just starting to look at and apply for jobs and I worry about how I will manage the afternoons. Thats when I get really tired. I also have lots of strange aches and pains. Sometimes I feel really jittery, then it goes away. I completely understand your change of attitude towards living in the here and now. That is my greatest challenge and what I try and achieve. I read somewhere that we should live like cancer wont come back otherwise cancer is the victor. So that's what I will try and do.
Good luck for 2016 and keep up the exercise, it can only be good!