Time October 2015 article

interesting article in time magazine October 2015 about new approaches in bc treatment
Thank you MONA for posting about the article in Time. Very interesting to read. But mmmm, not sure the lets just wait and see how this progresses type of treatment would suit me. I reckon you'd need I nerves of steel for that. But the article definitely gives plenty to think about. I was so fortunate to not require chemo - lumpectomy and radiotherapy for me. So I definitely appreciate the bit about too much chemo and too much radiation. I wonder what the next generation will think about the types of treatments some of these beautiful ladies in our online network endure - mastectomies and ancillary node removals with chemo and rads thrown in on top as well. Thanks for posting about the article. It's recommended reading for sure.
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Ah that explains a lot in my case. I think my GP presumed based on initial tests that I had DCIS the non invasive sort and possibly spread that thought on to my surgeon in his email contacts.
My surgeon not satisfied with that idea then ordered a core biopsy which at least told him it was aggressive not passive (which just going off the pill would have settled down).
Surgery to me wasn't fast enough although in their scheme of things it was and now I am waiting for the next surgery to get it out of my lymph nodes so yes it was very aggressive cancer.
I also explains why they thought it wasn't 'that' aggressive and couldn't have made it to the sentinel node yet as the cancer size hadn't grown in weeks. Well the surgery with pathology told them otherwise and now we are going to chase it down with an auxiliary clearance.
Great news for some with only DCIS though, although I have a friend who had it and although many years between treatments, did eventually end up with the mastectomy and chemo. She is still relatively young since the natural death rate has risen in our society nowadays. The goal posts keep shifting in longetivity and cancers.
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Thank you Mona for posting about the time article. Questions need to be asked about aggressive surgeries and treatments and I am sure treatments will change as we gain greater understanding of breast cancer. But if I had DCIS I would think that I was lucky to find it before it became aggressive and would have surgery as ASAP. I could not wait and watch, but everyone is different and doctors need to have conversations with their patients and arm them with reliable information.