Colds and Flu

Marg McL
Marg McL Member Posts: 7
edited November 2015 in Health and wellbeing

Something went badly wrong with my post - I'm new to this, and it seems most of my text disappeared!!  I was bemoaning the fact that I have had two doses of cold/flu this year, the first about 12 months after completing chemo.  I know immunity is compromised during chemo, but thought it went back to normal after the drugs were out of your system.

My second comment was about my hair - came back curly (normally wavy) - but back to wavy after my first haircut.


  • Ann-Marie
    Ann-Marie Member Posts: 1,113
    edited November 2015

    Hi Marg,

    Welcome to the online network. My name is Ann-Marie and I am the Online Community Coordinator at BCNA.

    Let me know if you need any help with posting your blogs, I can give you a call if you need.


  • Cook65
    Cook65 Member Posts: 733
    edited November 2015

    Hi Marg,

    its not surprising that our immune systems take a while to get back to normal. They say at least 12 months after finishing treatment. Everyone reacts differently. Our bodies have copped such a bashing. Add to that, there are some particularly nasty bugs going around! Hopefully that will be the last cold/flu for you for a while. Karen. 

  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    edited November 2015

    Hi Marg

    I start chemo soon but I have to admit I am really worried about my immune system. I have had four head colds all this year and one confirmed case of flu all ending in needing antibiotics and I haven't even started chemo yet! I got my last cold the day of my lumpectomy. To think that not only will the chemo knock me around but that it would take 12 months for it to get back to 'normal' makes me really concerned. 

    I eat very well - nothing processed, heaps of fruit and veggies with small amounts of chicken and fish, little to no alcohol, and don't smoke. I don't know what else I can do to boost my immune system.

    Hope you don't get another cold

    All the best


  • Marg McL
    Marg McL Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2015

    Hi Nadine,  When I was on chemo, I hibernated.  I kept away from the grandchildren (that was awful!!), and any crowded place.  I so didn't want to expose myself to any bugs, and thankfully I stayed well (cold-wise, anyway) throughout the chemo.  I don't know what else you can do.  Eating well is obviously important, but unfortunately the chemo does knock you around, and sometimes you just don't feel like eating.  I ate weetbix and not much else for a while!!  I wish you well.  It sounds like you know how to take care of yourself.  It's not a nice journey, but it is time-limited and is a small price to pay, I guess, for the chance to beat this horrible disease.  Good luck.  Marg