look good feel better workshop

Look good feel better workshop today at Taree. What a fantastic workshop run for breast cancer patients................everything, all products and services have been donated. For someone like me, who doesn't wear makeup, it was a special 2 hour pampering session.There were about 8 ladies in attendance and each one had their own personal makeup expert right next to them. The volunteers spoke about wigs and scarfs, and had a box filled to show us the assortment. A big thank you also to Valley Industries for supplying us with a big air conditioned room to sit in. This is a project that is definitely worth continuing and supporting. Nothing like this existed 30 years ago when my mum had to travel the breast cancer journey by her self. We have come so far since then. Tell all your friends.
it is fantastic, isn't it. Just one thing, it's not just for breast cancer. It's for any cancer, with treatment side effects.
i went to my local one on one of my low days, symptom wise in in my 2nd or 3rd chemo cycle. We had about 12-15 ladies there & 2 of the ladies near me had ovarian cancer.
It's definitely worth the effort. I don't wear make up often, but thoroughly enjoyed the 2 hrs of pampering
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Hi, glad you went along, it's such a great service isn't it? I really enjoyed the workshop I attended before I started chemo which gave me lots of great tips on making the most of your eyes when the lashes fall out and drawing on eyebrows. I don't wear much makeup either but through chemo and beyond those tips have definitely come in handy! Looks like you got a great haul too! Jane xx