the mind is a powerful thing

Hi to all the inspirational ladies
I am going to share a personal story that dominated my week.
My partner had an ultrasound of his manly bits this week due to having some pain down there. When he got home from this experience i noticed his films on the table and asked whether he had a look at them. He was under the impression he wasnt allowed to but when i explained that they were his films and he can look at them if he wants to he decided to take a peek. Meanwhile i am helping my daughter with her timetables and notice him taking great interest in his ultrasound. What are you looking at i asked and he called me over. Does that look like a lump to you he asked me god i must have cancer! Well i am no doctor but looked like they were taking measurements of something but didnt look like my mammo lump. Within about half an hour of getting home he had convinced himself he was riddled with cancer right through his body. It may sound insensitive but i had to laugh. Get a grip i said. His mind was working overtime he started analysing everything they asked him and why. Trying to get his mind off things i asked what are we doing for tea tomorrow i asked knowing we had after school activities and no time to cook. I suggested takeaway. Depends on what the doctor says was his reply. Either way we gotta eat right i said!!!! As it turned out all completely normal. All that worry for nothing.
I am sure some of you can relate. We have all worried ourselves to death waiting for test results havent we?
Worrying achieves nothing no-one has ever changed any outcome by worrying. My mum had bc when i was a kid and she spent her whole life worrying to the point that she ended up with depression and anxiety. This was in the day when treatment was non existent and the doc told you to go out and mix with people. As a child growing up i was deeply impacted by this. All family events would be put on hold until we got that all clear result. Whatever the result remember life goes on. There may be different challenges you have to deal with but you just get on with dealing with them.
If you really need to give yourself only a few moments to worry about things but dont let it take over and engulf your entire life. There is so much living to do so distract yourself with christmas the shopping and orders you need to put in for santa! The mind is a very powerful thing. Focus all your energy into getting better and try not to let your mind think about the negative stuff. Life is way too short.
Sending positive thoughts your way??????
Hi Maryrose
You are spot on - the mind is a powerful thing.
Below are the words of the theme from "Time' - hope they bring some hope to others as they travel this strange path of ours.
Summer :-)
“Time” – Performed by Sir Laurence Olivier
Stand before me on the sign of infinity, all you of the earth.
With the granting of the law of provination comes the application of change.I will give you the key.
And with this knowledge, please realize, comes the responsibility of sharing it.
I will show you the way.It’s very simple.
Throughout the universe there is order.
In the movement of the planets, in nature and in the functioning of the human mind.
A mind that is in its natural state of order, is in harmony with the universe
and such a mind is timeless.Your life is an expression of your mind.
You are the creator of your own Universe -
For as a human being, you are free to will whatever state of being you desirethrough the use of your thoughts and words.
There is great power there.
It can be a blessing or a curse -
It’s entirely up to you.
For the quality of your life is brought about by the quality of your thinking -
think about that.Thoughts produce actions - look at what you’re thinking.
See the pettiness and the envy and the greed and the fear and all the other attitudes
that cause you pain and discomfort.
Realize that the one thing you have absolute control over is your attitude.
See the effect that it has on those around you.
For each life is linked to all life
and your words carry with them chain reactions like a stone that is thrown into a pond.If your thinking is in order, your words will flow directly from the heart
creating ripples of love.If you truly want to change your world, my friends, you must change your thinking.
Reason is your greatest tool, it creates an atmosphere of understanding,
which leads to caring which is love.Choose your words with care.
Go forth … with love.0 -
You're a remarkable woman MaryRose, well done. Life throws some real curve balls at us at times, it's just how we respond to it that matters. Sending you a big cuddle, Trace ??????
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Hi Maryrose - thank you so much for sharing this. I've listened to the video on Youtube - so moving. I've printed off the text and am now putting it on my fridge. That's where I keep inspirational writings, because I look at them every time I open the fridge door. A wonderful daily reminder to live our lives as well as we possibly can. Pam xx