
Glynnis Member Posts: 360
edited November 2015 in Health and wellbeing

hi ladies hope all is well with you all, can anyone who has done radiation tell me whether it is ok to go swimming? I'm on to treatment number 12 tomorrow. Wishing everyone a happy Sunday, Glynnis ??????????????

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  • kazza4450
    kazza4450 Member Posts: 159
    edited November 2015

    Hi Glynnis

    I would say no. I had been told and also read that the chlorine, chemicals etc in the pool could irritate the skin. When I finished 10 days ago, I asked how long till I can swim, she said average couple of weeks, but more so what your comfortable with.

    Nurse said if you try it and it bothers  you then stop, try again few days, week later etc. 

    Well one week after finishing rads, went to my daughters apartment. Sat in the spa just up to waist, after 15 mins I went in deeper, well I regretted that, lol. My breast itched like crazy until I could get in shower, wash off etc then it eased off. 

    For me the biggest side effect has been the itching every day. It's where all the swelling is. 

    When I wear bra, crop top I start itching like mad. Today I went to church no bra, aah, sigh, lol, so much better, minimum discomfort. 

    So my boob's obviously don't like spa etc yet, so won't try that or the pool for another week or so. 

    Anyway that was a long winded answer. All the best. Have chat to your nurse at your next rad appointment.



  • emmyp
    emmyp Member Posts: 53
    edited November 2015

    Hi Glynnis,

    My radiation nurse said it was fine just to make sure I moisture after as it might dry the skin out.  I did have a swim in a salt water pool yesterday (I have had 10 Rads so far) and was fine although it is a bit itchy today. You might just need to ask what your clinic recommends.  Emma Xx


  • Glynnis
    Glynnis Member Posts: 360
    edited November 2015

    Thankyou ladies your comments are much appreciated, will ask the nurse at tomorrow's appointment and she what she recommends, if no will just have to watch hubby in the pool instead, hope you both had a terrific weekend. Glynnis ????????????

  • kazza4450
    kazza4450 Member Posts: 159
    edited November 2015

    Thanks Glynnis, you too.

    It's been hard as weather gets warmer not to go in a pool. I'm looking forward to just lazing around in one soon and eventually when I can use my arms bit better, (surgery right arm, fall down stairs left arm), hoping to start doing gentle laps and getting my fitness level back. 

    Smiles to you ??????

  • Kerr Kerr
    Kerr Kerr Member Posts: 28
    edited November 2015

     I've just started my radiation but my nipple feels sore and hard is that normal?

    kerr kerr

  • kazza4450
    kazza4450 Member Posts: 159
    edited November 2015

    Hi Kerr Kerr

    I've had my nipple go hard as well as the area around as the nipple itself is inverted. The aerola area goes hard off and on since my surgeries but I have a lot of swelling from that area pooled up under my breast all the way down.  

    I've been itchy and yes sore as well as the hardness during rads around the nipple area  

    Definitely speak to a nurse at next radiation. Good to keep on top of any problems during treatment xxx

  • HIT
    HIT Member Posts: 261
    edited November 2015

    Hi Glynnis  Its amazing all the different opinions that we receive from our docs isn't it!!!  My radio oncologist said a big fat no to both pool or ocean at my very first visit. That was the very first appt, along with all the other lovely warnings??? But I can't see why as long as you covered up very well, and if it feels good.  There are a lot of things that all you ladies found helpful that I was told not to use/do.



  • Glynnis
    Glynnis Member Posts: 360
    edited November 2015

    Hi Pam, yes that's the answer I got today, no sea water and no pool, pool because of the chemicals and sea because of the risk of infections in the skin, so looks like I'll be waiting till all done and dusted and all healed, then might go swimming, thanks for your answer all the answers have been most helpful, hope all is ok with you. Glynnis ??????????

  • Glynnis
    Glynnis Member Posts: 360
    edited November 2015

    Hi Kerr Kerr, can't comment on the nipple as mine was taken when I had my lumpectomy in January as it was involved in the cancer, my skin I think is a little firmer but I've been putting heaps of sorbolene on and just letting it soak in and I also spray my skin straight after rads with aloe Vera spray and I think that is helping as well, other than that I hope all is well with you. Glynnis ??????????

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