Check out your dreams to find out how you are really travelling???

Home at last after 5 days in hospital recovering from mastectomy. Wow what an eye opener that was. The staff at the hospital are so over worked, plus add on the non stop noise and commotion from other patients, I couldn't take it one more day. I am finally able to rest properly without being disturbed every hour for blood count, blood pressure, pain medication or meals................I never knew it would be like that.......
I have always had very vivid dreams. Last night was no exception. My poor husband gets screamed at and kicked at, its so traumatic............I was swimming in huge pools of water, going up and down car park ramps trying to find the exit, and going back to old jobs where I was bullied. I guess my emotions are still running a bit wild, even after surgery. It is a traumatic event we are travelling through, I need to remind myself everyday, instead of just coasting along as if everything is as it should be.........back to that "Balance" " moderation" and "harmonise" situation........
Hello and yes,I agree with you! Hospital is no fun,and certainly no rest.Now that you are home,try to take it easy.It will take some time to get back to where you were.I had VERY vivid dreams after my surgery,and I had never really had anything like it before,but I put mine down to the anaesthetic and the emotional toll that this whole thing puts on our bodies.Rest,good nutritious food,and some exercise thrown in,and you will be back to some kind of normal before you know it.Stay in touch:):) Cheers Robyn xox
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Hi Cashalina,
Nightmares are no fun, and sometimes when I had them in hospital, I put it down to the anaesthetic. It does terrible things to you, comes out with making you feeling exhausted, it affects your skin and your hair too.
I hope that your bad dreams go away soon, would it be worth talking with someone at the cancer council to discuss what you are experiencing. Their on phone counsellors may be able to give you some strategies and advice on how to deal with your feelings.
I hope that the rest of your treatment goes smoothly. Sending you a big cuddle, Trace xxxx