So much for retirement at the beach of my dreams.

I suppose you have all gone through the same sort of thing but oh my gosh I am so angry I could just spit!
Never sick, very healthy, retired 6mths ago to the beach of my dreams and whammo, first doc visit in my new town is breast cancer. My GP pretty much knew as much on 2nd October and sent me for blood tests, mammogram, ultrasound and while I was at the testing centre they did a needle biopsy.
Doctor is still a bit browned off the biopsy came back with nothing more than malignant cancer in the report. I think it was supposed to say a bit more info than that.
More tests, chest, abdominal and pelvic scans and a bone scan showed nothing else but the one lump which isn't any guarantee of more cancer but for now its a bit of good news.
Another biopsy, a core one this time and another ultrasound mostly of the underarm last week and next appointment tomorrow where I have to decide (if its still my choice after the biopsy results) if I want a lumpectomy or a mastectomy.
I am not well gifted in the breast dept and can barely fill a c cup so I am thinking, for me, I will go the mastectomy whatever the results.
What's helped me in all this 4 weeks of waiting is my planning of what I will need post op etc. I presume raising my arm above my head and lifting will be out for a while so being a mad fish keeper I called a friend to collect some of my fish and I shut down the highest and lowest tanks.
I have dogs which I would like to be able to pat also. I bought a box of surgical gloves for patting dogs and feeding fish their foods.
No deodorant for underarms, yuck, so I bought a packet of antibacterial wet ones for cleaning under there. I seem to have less odour there now than when I was even using deodorant. Weird hey?
Just been making notes of things I will need help with from my hubby and my boys and telling them as I go.
Best thing in the world to take my mind off everything was a planned visit to a sexlife shop. Over 50 and neither hubby nor I had ever set foot in one in our lives and we had a ball and laughed like mad before, during and after the visit. It was like being naughty teenagers again and did both our worried souls the world of good. My advice, do something crazy pre-op while you can.
I am a bit of a planner so as soon as I have a surgery date I will be much happier.
Hi Brenda
good for you! Trust me a good sense of humour goes a very long way throughout this process. Like you, I'm a planner. I was on annual leave when I was diagnosed, so I spent two days cooking and making meals. What else do you do in a crisis but cook? Hence the nickname. ??. Welcome to the site. It is a great source of information, support and friendship. Sounds like you are in a wonderful place to sit and recover from your treatments. By the beach can be just so relaxing. Like you, I had to figure a way to pat my dogs. I used a thin baby blankie and patted them through that. Speak to the surgeon regarding mastectomy. Like you, my initial reaction was just whip them both off but when I discussed it with the surgeon, it really wasn't going to make a huge difference to my survival outcome so I didn't bother. Good luck with it all. Karen xox
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Hi Brenda, bc creeps up on you when you least expect it and it doesn't discriminate. Catch it early and you can beat it.I've had it twice in the same breast- 2003 and 2010.I'm fine now. I'm not sure about the sex shop items but you'll definitely need some button down the front pjs for hospital. Also ask your breast care nurse for a fabric drain bag- you will possibly come home with a drain in. It's a difficult decision to make regarding type of surgery. I've had both and pain / recovery is much the same. Your surgeon will guide you.Best wishes,Tonya xx
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My husband is paying attention now when I cook. I have him peeling and cutting up vegetables and he is learning how to cook. Its funny, cooking is not that hard but when faced with having to do it all himself he gets a bit worried. Not much you can do wrong in cooking as long as you are careful with bacteria and meats and clean up well.
I can see in our future a lot of fried rice dishes coming up.
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The core biopsy has really stirred the lump up and I am sure its a lot bigger. Must mention that today with the surgeon. Not sure if he will be interested or not. Test results in would be nice. The world seems to turn so slowly when you have bc.
I have my drain bag. Must remember to pack it in my hospital bag. I have a things to do list written down. Some are crossed off as done. Bird cages cleaning, check, dogs clipped, check.
Saving the house cleaning for when I have that hospital date. It will keep me busy and stop me sitting about worrying.
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Hi Brenda, welcome to bcna site, sounds like you're a great organiser and have a really positive outlook. I read the my journey kit heaps during my treatment, and it was great to refer to over and over again. Once you've had your treatments, you'll be able to get on with your new normal, that will still include your lovely dogs and walks along the beach. Sending you a big cuddle, Trace ??????
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Got a surgery date, 16th Nov unless they have a vacancy the Monday before, then they will call me in. Now I can get some housework done!
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Hi Brenda - wishing you well with your surgery. Going into hospital knowing that you're organised at home helps.
Take care
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Will be thinking of you on the 16th. All the best. Karen xox