Life during reconstruction

Hi. My mum has had a double mastectomy in July. She has the tissue expanders in and if currently getting them filled and then has to wait 3 months before she can have the next surgery.
My mum was a PCA before hand so while she is recovering and preparing for the next surgery she can't work in her field as she is recovering.
Eveything related to this has put financial strain on my parents and money is running out.
They can't get Centrelink as my dad apparently earns too much apparently but they is simply not true.
Does anyone know of any small jobs or anything else that can help pay for bills and living till mum is healed and can work again?
They are located in Melbourne.
Hi Christine.
Thanks for writing.
Mum doesn't have a qualification for PCA.
Mum entered back in workforce about 5 years ago after battling Crohns for 10 years. She worked with a lady with dementia taking her to appointments and helping her around place. Helping her live in her house.
About 6 months ago her family decided to put her in a home so mum was out of work. The home she was put in gave her a casual PCA job as she was doing that already.
Mum said the older people pull on her when getting out of bed and in shower and she doesn't think she can do it while healing. Her boss also said this and that she didn't have any small duties for her that wouldn't require this.
So not sure what is next.
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I was in exactly the same boat as far as centrelink goes. The fact is no one can afford for their income to drop by half but that's just the way it is. I ended up working part time throughout all of my treatment, including chemo, because I had to. We used ALL of our savings during my 16 months treatment. I now only work part time as I don't have the strength to work full time. We have had to change the way we do things. Little luxuries like take away and meals out go by the wayside. Christmas is substantially a smaller affair, etc. speak to the social workers at the hospital as they might have some ideas, although these were no help to us. Apparently cancer council will help with some bills or the salvos. It sucks big time that you work all your life paying taxes but when you need it, you can't access any help. I wins you all the best. Karen xox
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Hi Danielle,
It's Lisa from the Policy Team. I am sorry to hear about the difficulties your family is experiencing. As you said, breast cancer treatments as well as the time women may need to take off work can cause significant financial strain. You may have seen our webpage on financial and practical support, but just in case not, you can find it here. On the webpage, we list a number of sources of information and support available.The Cancer Council can also provide information about the financial assistance and support which may be available. You can contact the Cancer Council by ringing 13 11 20.
Best wishes,