Having a bad day!

How to get over this feeling of frustration while waiting, waiting, waiting for appointments. Where to go when you don't know if what's being done is what should be done! Who to ask when what you read should happen isn't what actually happens during appointments with professionals! Whether to put up and shut up because you're a 'freebie' on the medical system, with no funds to go private! All this talk of the emotional side of breast cancer and the understanding and support that will be forthcoming - why do I feel like an ungrateful, moaning bitch then (not my usual nature)! I was diagnosed on 7th Aug, met with surgeon on 18th Aug and given option to choose lumpectomy or mastectomy - come back next Mon (24th - hospital will phone with apt time) and meet with different surgeon to tell him my choice as original surgeon is going on leave! Met with breast cancer nurse who explained more clearly what my choices were. No phone call by 21st so phone hospital who said appointments in my town on 24th are full, so I could go to adjoining town (35kms) away on 26th Aug or wait until following Mon. Accepted the 1st choice - especially as worried with the timeframe escalating. Following this had phone call to say I could have surgery in adjoining town as this surgeon is also now going on leave, or would have to wait another week or so for a locum to be appointed. So went to pre-admission on 2nd Sept and had surgery on 15th Sept - chose the lumpectomy. A lot of drama on the day as I had to have the radiotherapy stuff for the sentinel lymph node biopsy done in my town and then go the 35kms to the next town for surgery! All done and home the next day. Follow up visit on 1st Oct and saw yet another doctor who asked me what I was there for and then read my file and gave me the results. The really good part is the lymph node biopsy is clear and all is negative for hormones - happy about that! But recommendation is for a mastectomy because they found 3 cancers and they were lying close to the chest wall. I was told this would probably be followed up with chemo. Refused to give me a copy of pathology report and said to ask the breast cancer nurse for it. Sent to pre-admission straight away - but no date yet for second operation and now a long weekend to wait! Tried to contact the breast cancer nurse but she's on leave until the middle of October. So with my first wounds still painful, I'm waiting for more to be inflicted without knowing when even! Understanding and support? I'm sorry I don't feel it! I feel like a mean old bitch who doesn't deserve any better! Sorry about this, but I do feel better now for having got it off my chest! Rant over - hope I can laugh about these feelings tomorrow - maybe I won't even post this!
Hi I'm glad you have posted I always found I felt better having a rant and this is one of the best places to do this. I'm so sorry you are getting the run around you have enough to deal with. You are not a mean old bitch it is very frustrating playing the waiting game.
It shouldn't matter but are you in the country?
hope you get some answers soon , take care
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That sounds super frustrating, to say the least
you are not whinging, just venting.
I have had days like this, including an argument with admin staff on the phone, ending in me sobbing and feeling totally useless and unable to get my needs across.
I hope it gets a bit better for you and you get the support you deserve !!
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Thanks Rowdy - not really country but a regional area around three and a half hours drive from Brisbane! Linda
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Thanks Marlee - had a total melt down an hour ago when one of my cats managed to puke all over a window frame and down the back of a bookcase! Just what I needed to open the flood gates and have a roar - feel a bit better now! Linda
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Hi Linda, your feelings are valid, so you're allowed to scream here. I live in a remote area, and had to wait 3 weeks for my mammogram and needle biopsy with a hard lump in my breast, and blisters on my nipple. Then I had to wait another week for the results, and another 2 weeks for my mastectomy. By the time I got to surgery, my nipple was caving in and I had throbbing pain down my arm. You are within your rights to be vocal, and to stand up for yourself. I hope that your surgery is successful. Take care, Trace ??????
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Hi there, I know exactly how you feel. I have spent so much time being screwed around- I could write a book. I won't even bore you with the details, but I couldn't agree more! Absolutely no support in the public system at all. My file today was labelled 'breast', clearly I am not a person. Total shit fight out there......
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Sorry to hear you've had the same sort of problems KatieB! I was just feeling so angry when I wrote the above - but all of it is still valid! I've just got my date for my mastectomy now (21st Oct) but still have had to fight with my GP for a medical certificate to get me a suspension from applying for jobs as she said cancer is curable so why am I worried! I feel like I'm just a number in the system, move her through, turn her out! Still no breast cancer nurse to talk it through with as she's on holiday! Good luck with your issues KatieB - I hope you have more good days than bad ones! The medical system could certainly do with a shake up! Regards Linda
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Good morning have you tried ringing the cancer council you can speak to someone. I have not used this service but have heard good things about the support you can get.
Hang in there it is a crappy ride er are all more than a number, take care
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Thanks Rowdy - I have now got my date for the mastectomy (21st October) so I'm feeling slightly less frazzled! Hopefully I'll be able to turn a corner once the surgery is done and take the next path on this journey! Thanks for caring! Regards Linda X