I'm brand new at BCNA!

Thea Member Posts: 54
edited May 2011 in Community news and events

Hi All,

Just wanted to saying 'Hi!' to everyone out there and to introduce myself as a newbie.

I joined the BCNA team a few weeks ago as a Media Officer, and will be helping the lovely Julie Reilly to get BCNA out and about in the media space.

I have just spent a little while reading some posts on the network and am already overwhelmed at the obvious friendships and comfort that is found by so many women on BCNA's online network.What an amazing opportunity to connect, especially for those hailing from the country - like myself.

Feel free to give me a holler if anyone has any questions about BCNA's media activities, or if you have a great story that would be great to get out there, or just to have a chat.

Cheers, Thea xx



  • ShirlO
    ShirlO Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2015

    Hi there Thea, so pleased you decided to join us, I'm sure you will find your time here rewarding and enjoyable.  One way or another you will meet many of us and wonder how you ever managed without us in your life LoL !!!

    This is a great network for support for  those diagnosed as well as their "nearest & dearest" and many long-lasting friendships are formed without even connecting face to face.

    I guess, being in a small country area (Wentworth on the junction of the Darling and Murray rivers) I probably have easier access to local media (having my own reporter in my pocket so to speak) but there are times I would like to have my stories go further afield..... just National TV and magazine coverage - my needs are small !!

    To my way of thinking the more "novelty" stories like the Tractor rally, Shane's run - not that that was a novelty event, but it started with a statement and grabbed the public's attention to the extent that they all want to be supportive and be involved.

    I could go on and on (the girls will tell you that I love to chat), but for now, welcome to the network ..... enjoy !!!

    Cheers ... Shirl xx

  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    i'm sure you already know that you're on a winner working for BCNA.  It is such a fantastic organisation which assists so many BC survivors.  It is my life-saver and I have met some wonderful people through it.  I am a CLO and also an Online Champion.  I delight in telling as many professionals in the health industry about my role.  I am very proud to be associated with BCNA.  Look forward to meeting you soon. XLeonie

  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    i'm sure you already know that you're on a winner working for BCNA.  It is such a fantastic organisation which assists so many BC survivors.  It is my life-saver and I have met some wonderful people through it.  I am a CLO and also an Online Champion.  I delight in telling as many professionals in the health industry about my role.  I am very proud to be associated with BCNA.  Look forward to meeting you soon. XLeonie

  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    i'm sure you already know that you're on a winner working for BCNA.  It is such a fantastic organisation which assists so many BC survivors.  It is my life-saver and I have met some wonderful people through it.  I am a CLO and also an Online Champion.  I delight in telling as many professionals in the health industry about my role.  I am very proud to be associated with BCNA.  Look forward to meeting you soon. XLeonie

  • Suzanne Rumi
    Suzanne Rumi Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2015

    Excuse my ignorance, but, how do you blog on this site?  I am not sure how to get into this.  I have set up a profile and haven't really got past that yet.  Need to get a little more savvy on this thing. Not quite sure how to get the best out of it.  Would welcome advice. 

  • Suzanne Rumi
    Suzanne Rumi Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2015

    Excuse my ignorance, but, how do you blog on this site?  I am not sure how to get into this.  I have set up a profile and haven't really got past that yet.  Need to get a little more savvy on this thing. Not quite sure how to get the best out of it.  Would welcome advice. 

  • ShirlO
    ShirlO Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2015

    Hi there Suzanne .... Welcome to the site.  Getting started can often be the hardest/confusing part, but once you get the hang of it you'll be fine.

    You said you have set up your profile page - well go back to that page and you'll see a series of tags ... one of them will be "blog".  Click on that. it will open up a section .... type into the Subject box ... (anything at all, even just "hello"), go into the "comment" box and do just that !!!

    Introduce yourself, ask your questions ... whatever you want.  Further down the track you may wish to comment on other posts .... just click on the "read more" link, that will open up the entire post for that person, click on reply or comment and do just that.

    When you have finished, just click on the "save" link and hey presto it's done.

    Wander through everyones' posts, get to know us all and enjoy yourself

    Cheers ... Shirl xx


  • Thea
    Thea Member Posts: 54
    edited March 2015

    Thanks to everyone for your lovely words of welcome. I do indeed know I am on to such a winner scoring a job here at BCNA and have loved every minute of my time here already.

    Shirl, have already seen some very impressive media about your pink tractor! I absolutely love it! Seems like you do indeed have a few of your own contacts but please let me know if there's any media support me and Julie can offer.

    Suzanne, hopefully Shirl's expert advice is helping to guide you in the right direction on the network, but please don't hesitate to let me know if not and I'll get one of the girls to run you through it. I am still finding my way around myself I have to say!

    It's so lovely to hear how proud you all are to be involved with BCNA. Makes me feel very lucky to be here!

    Look forward to meeting you all soon hopefully,

    Thea x