Six years on....

I can't believe it is six years today since I first heard those words, you have malignant breast cancer. I truly did not think I would be here today espescially after being diagnosed with a recurrence of the same aggressive triple negative breast cancer 18mths later. Yet here I am, two lots of chemo, one lot of radiation, quite a few surgeries and a bit of lymphedema thrown in for good measure. I know I am lucky that I remain cancer free. It has not always been an easy road, and I know many have dealt with more than I ever have and do it with all the courage they can muster. I am full of admiration for you all
Since my diagnosis I have become as healthy as I can, I juice daily, walk 10000 steps most days, meditate often (we'll probably just daydream), but at least it's sitting still I do at times still get fatigued but I am working on that also. I try and be my own advocate when it comes to my health, something that I get better at with each Drs visit... it's my life after all. I think I have become a braver person through all this, another thing I continue to work on. I am blessed with a loving family and some really great friends and I am forever grateful for that.
To all the newbies on this site, take heart that you have joined an amazing network with many here to support you along the way. Hopefully one day you will be an oldie like me and encouraging others behind you. Stay in touch and pop in espescially when you need some support. There is always someone to listen to your vents or cheer you on when you need it
take care all
Paula xxxxxx
Congratulations!!! I am at the 2 year mark this week, and like you, I have become as healthy as I can.You have had to deal with a lot more than most of us.I truly believe that getting healthy is the biggest thing we can do for our bodies after BC. I walk hard every day, most days 20,000 steps now.:) Like you, I feel very brave and very strong. If I ever have the misfortune to become ill again, I KNOW that I will be able to deal with it.Stay in touch:) Cheers Robyn xox
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Congratulations!!!! I am approaching 1 year since diagnosis. Doing everything i can to get as healthy as i can too. Used to walk but since developing oa in 1 knee i now swim for an hour every morning instead. Take care Anne
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Thanks Robyn, wow 20000 steps is amazing!!! So is each milestone we reach. I figure do all that we can to stay healthy and then deal with the hand we have to in the full knowledge that we have done that and have no regrets.
you are a continual support of so many in this site.
Well done you.
Paula xxxxxx
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Yay. Each milestone is a cause for celebration.
Swimming is fantastic also.
wishing you continued good health.
Paula xxx
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Hi Paula this is great for you. Your right life goes on each day brings a different struggle but we all need to keep moving forward. I myself have been lucky with support from family and friends but this site gives me something that they can't give, a understanding of how bc can change your life. I'm still struggling with the exercise and work but I keep pushing forward hoping tomorrow will be better.
Sending you a hug and a laughxxxxxx
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Good for you Rowdy. One foot in front of the other is often my mantra.
Hugs and laughs back at you girl.
Paula xxh
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Hi Paula!
Wow - 6 years on.... I am full of admiration for you! You continue through your own ups and downs and provide so much support not only through the online network but in your community! Thank you for sharing :-)
Here are some flowers I want to share with you :-)
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Thanks Daina. Are They in your garden? Hope all good with you.
Paula xxx
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Hi Paula,
Loved reading your blog and I really did find myself taking a breath and said ... I can do this! I was so hesitant to do chemo but after going this blogs - will now just get on with Chemo - it is necessary and I so want to live and see grand babies!
Well done
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Well done Linda, you go girl. We've got you back.
Paula xx
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Sadly not so god Paula... have been in so very illafter 1 infusion.... AC chemo was withdrawn due to cardiac reduced fraction an diagnosis of a floppy triscupid valve an bowel becoming so inflamed it swelled up to 9 months pregnancy size anthe pain was horriffic.. admitted twice in 5 days an was bedridden for 10 days due to breathlessness an dizziness dehydration due to chronic diarrhea an feeling like I was close to death... so will see oncologist to discuss Taxol but am so so very scared.. I really neva knew a human cud get so ill .. ????
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Oh dear Linda, so sorry t hear you had a really bad reaction to the chemo. I really hope your oncologist can come up with a better plan for you.
Paula xxx
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i liked what you said about being your own advocate when it comes to your health.
Ive tried to do that and it's not always easy you sometimes feel intimidated by doctors but in the end it's our bodies and if we try to be well informed we can make the right decisions for ourselves.
Sometimes it takes an experience like BC to know who you are and be your own person (know what's right for you).
I have at times felt like to the doctors it's just a maths equation and they need to get the answer zero. There may be many ways of getting that result but the doctors only see one way. It's up to us to find the best way for ourselves. After all we have to live with the decsions we make not them. They just close our file and move on to the next one.
Kerr kerr
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Hi there Kerr Kerr,
i totally agree. I am getting better at it, although at times I still struggle. Ultimately it is up to us.
Hope you are traveling ok.
Paula xx