
Andij Member Posts: 115
edited August 2015 in Health and wellbeing

I wouldn't put such a negative post up except for the fact I am just desperate, one week today since first dose of Docs and it has been shocking. Relentless constipation despite movicol and coloxyl and send, a horrendous rash around neck and top of shoulders that does even go away with Clarityne and a hydracortisol cream. So very weak. Has anyone else had symptoms similar. The FEC was a walk in the park in comparison.



  • HIT
    HIT Member Posts: 261
    edited August 2015

    Hey AndiJ

    I put a comment in but it appears to be gone - so.  I  had AC first then dox/hercepton.  Don't know if its the same.  But Ac was not nice but when I had the dox/hercepton oh my god!!  My onc had said that I would prob get diarrhoea with this lot of drugs, oh no no no.  I had the cramps like I had the runs, but no release!!!  I attributed it to the terrible dryness I had - so for me pears, apples and lots of water.   Rash wasn't a prob at beginning, but is now, so don't know there. Do remember that the first dose was the worst.


  • Andij
    Andij Member Posts: 115
    edited August 2015

    Thanks Pam. Yes my onc said Diarhoea but definitely constipation. Bowel just generally feels yuck! So what do you find helps the rash. Driving me crazy:(


  • HIT
    HIT Member Posts: 261
    edited August 2015

    The rash at that stage didn't worry me, later it got really itchy (really, really) I went to dermatologist and got some Diprosone which was good.  But otherwise I have to be really carefull with what creams I use, I appear to react to most creams (even ones I've used for years).  And I am not applying them more than once a day.  Bit hard when my skin is so dry.


  • HIT
    HIT Member Posts: 261
    edited August 2015

    Pam again, not very clear.  Was using QV wash and cream all during radio/chemo, can't now, used sorbolene for a while, then reacted.  Am using dermaveen soap, shampoo now.  It ok so far.  I think the moo goo range is meant to be good but havent tried it.  Cant use perfumes oils etc

  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited August 2015

    Hello Andij:) I had the constipation,and I had the rash just like you.For the rash I took Zyrtec,( I tried claratyne but it didn't help)and it worked like magic:) My rash was terrible,all over my neck and shoulders,and in my groin.I had huge red welts,and they were insanely itchy!! I had really bad constipation during the first round of  my chemo,but I got it under control,and I didn't get it again.I used coloxyl with senna,and I took a double dose from the day I had my chemo.From memory,I took it for about 5 days.The other thing I did was eat Uncle Toby's Bran Plus,about 3 tablespoons ,sprinkled on my cereal every morning.Make sure to increase your water intake if you try this.I swear by this to stop constipation!! 

  • maryroset1
    maryroset1 Member Posts: 240
    edited August 2015

    Hi there. I had fec and taxotere. Constipation was a problem for me also had terrible flare up of hemorrhoids as a result. Nothing really worked for me despite trying coloxyl and movicol. You could try something like prunes. I had red rashes around my ankle/heel area which were annoying sort of itchy sore couldnt wear closed shoes that would rub.  I agree fec was much easier for me too.


  • Andij
    Andij Member Posts: 115
    edited August 2015

    Thanks Pam. Tried moo goo to no avail. Just waiting for onco to phone me back. 

  • Andij
    Andij Member Posts: 115
    edited August 2015

    Thank you Robyn

    i have phoned onco to see what he thinks. We have spent soo much money on creams, tablets,  for this rash and bone pain and movicol and the coloxyl and senna Its just rediculous. :( I will remember your hints for constipation next round as well. Thank you

  • Andij
    Andij Member Posts: 115
    edited August 2015

    Thank you Maryrose:)

  • Mozzie Bear
    Mozzie Bear Member Posts: 88
    edited September 2015

    Hi Andi, you can try pears, kiwi fruit and exercise for the constipation.  I didn't like taking the medications very much - hated movical.  I didn't have a rash so I can't help you there.  Maureen

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    edited September 2015

    Hi Andj, that docetaxel is a bugger, I experienced joint and muscle pain to the point where I was grounded to the couch for 3 days. The constipation cleared eventually with warmed prune juice, I found that the best and most gentle. Also lost a bit of sensation in both thumbs and both index fingers. Am currently nursing some fingernails and 1 toenail. Thinking of you, and sending you a big cuddle, Trace ??????

  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    edited September 2015

    Hi Andrea, we must be at about the same point in our chemo. I had 3 cycles of FEC, then 1st cycle of docetaxel last Tuesday. I, too, became constipated despite prunes etc. Sunday I went to coloxyl with senna, & started to get the diarrhoea cramps that I had with FEC, without the diarrhoea. Monday was dreadful. Started movicol Monday night, finally got rid of the constipation, and the diarrhoea started!!! Cramps and all. Tuesday afternoon spiked a temp, 38.1, came to hospital, and here I am with febrile neutropaenia. FEC definitely a walk in the park compared to this. Still only 2 more cycles of this, then chemo over for me. I've taken not of everyone's suggestions for managing the constipation, so thanks all. One of my biggest problems, is that for the first time in my life I'm struggling with fluid intake. Any suggestions to help with that? Or will I just have to force myself to drink?

    Take care, Lyn

  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    edited September 2015

    Oh, and I forgot to mention, I also have a rash, and I'm developing sensitivities to tapes and dressings that I've never had before!

  • HIT
    HIT Member Posts: 261
    edited September 2015

    Hi Lyn I am being rude but I found that a bubbly water from woolworths was drinkable at that stage when even water tasted like crap. And yeah force yourself.  And Andrea I hope your onc was able to help.


  • emmyp
    emmyp Member Posts: 53
    edited September 2015

    Hi Andi,

    I hope you are beginning to feel better. I had my first Docetaxel 6 days ago and am feeling pretty miserable. I would really love my taste buds back! This is when it's hard to see the end but I am sure it is there somewhere.  Big hugs Emma