Hi Everyone

Hi Everyone.
I did Active & Well stream at the Summit this year and I was very passionate about Exercise and Eating for your body prior to the Summit.
So since Summit Ive been kind of quiet on here for a few reasons;
The new updated website still confuses me a little so I hope this is actually being posted in the group and not somewhere else hahaha.
& Ive been trying to find my feet living in a new regional area of Victoria. After a few months I think Im getting comfy - Ive continued my personal training (which i love so much I travel an hour to it now). I was blessed to find a great personal trainer in Eastern Suburbs in Melbourne. Ive been working with her for over a year now (with 3 months off after my DIEP recon) and she just knows me and my body. My strengths and my weakness and understands all the procedures and treatment I have had. I didnt want to do Personal Training because I was scared I'd had a bad experience a few years back and didnt want a Personal Trainer to push me and my body too far. But my friend gave me some free sessions and boom I fell in love with my new Personal Trainer, Elle. She has experience with Breast Cancer in her personal life and I think that really helps her understand and improve my fitness. Its a perfect fit! So for 1 hr a week I work my little butt off and I feel awesome doing things I never thought I could do again. When I started I couldnt even use 1kg weights in my lympheodema effected arm. Now my lympheodema is under control and barely an issue.
I have started back at a local pilates but I dont think its for me. I use to do it on a reformer 1 on 1 in my old area. However now living in regional area my options are limited. Its a group class on mats and I just dont think it is helping me, its very generic and not individual enough. I would prefer to use my $20 a session on some other fitness or wellbeing class. I spend a bit of money on my wellness. But I think after all I've been through feeling and looking great really helps me overall and is worth cutting corners in other areas of my life. I plan to return to work as soon as I can find a new job and then it will be easier financially I hope. I just dont know how Im going to have time for everything.
Since Summit I brought a fitbit watch - try to do my 10,000 steps a day - however to my surprise I have only reached my goal 1 day and that was when I drove into the city and went to a huge shopping centre to get a few things... I always thought I do alot of walking. I tend to go for a walk daily. But once again since moving to regional victoria I find it a challenge as by my old house in the suburbs of melbourne I had a walking track - I would walk 4km track or ride the 10km track. Around here the local walking track isnt even 2km. If I walk the streets of town its still not more then 2km :-( Its a challenge. I can find a longer one but I have to drive to it. I could do a few more laps but its just not that interesting and once I finish 1 lap Im bored! Even if I have my music going or walking game going... So any idea's? & need a rainy day option too as its been raining non stop for 4 days here now. I use to just hit the shopping centre in Melbourne when that happened but now thats not an option in regional vic.
The other thing I wanted to ask. Has anyone tried Isagenix? My friend is trying to get me onto it. but I just dont know. So would love to hear if anyone has tried this program?
Ok well that essay turned out longer then I planned. hahaha.
Thanks for listening and looking forward to reading some ideas on overcoming my recent challenges
Hi Merylee, lovely to see that you're enjoying your new active life. I made the all today to a friend of mine who is a personal trainer. She's happy to help me get fit and well again after my radiation finished late September. It's really something yo look forward yo, and keeps you positive. Well done, Trace ??????
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Oh Tanya. Thanks 4 replying. I remember u from summit. I will let u know what i decide... Xxx ur post helped... now 2 convince hubby