Townsville Conference - organised by Dragons Abreast

Just spreading the word about upcoming conference for those in and around North Queensland
Registration closes 25th September, 2015.
Tickets now available at
Townsville Local Tickets
Event Starts:- 8.30am Saturday 3rd October 2015
Event ends 11.30pm Saturday 3rd October 2015
Location: Rydges Southbank, Palmer St, Townsville
Conference: One day conference aiming to provide women and men of North Queensland, survivors of breast cancer and people currently undergoing treatment for metastatic breast cancer, with an opportunity to hear leading authorities in Australia speak on breast cancer treatment and care; current research and other areas of interest, without the expense of travelling to a capital city.
Key note speakers:
Prof John Boyages, Director and Professor of Breast Cancer Oncology at Macquarie University Cancer Institute in Sydney; founder of the Westmead Breast Cancer Institute and author of “Breast Cancer: Taking Control”;
A/Prof Sabe Sabesan, Director of Medical Oncology - Townsville Cancer Centre and Clinical Dean of Northern Clinical training network - Townsville; and
Janine Porter-Steele who is a clinical nurse consultant, an accredited breast care nurse, women’s health nurse and manager of Choices. She has a Master’s degree in nursing leadership and is a PhD student at Queensland University of Technology examining sexuality concerns and management strategies for women after a diagnosis of cancer.
Dinner: "50 Shades of Pink" dinner and dance party, including welcome drink, 2 course dinner and entertainment. Celebrate Life.
Mini Field of Women: Sunday 10am, Dan Gleeson Park. + Opening & Dedication of the Breast Cancer Awareness Gardens
Dragon Boat Regatta :"Splash of Pink" Corporate Regatta, Monday 8am, Riverway Rowing Club, Loam Island, Rasmussen
The costs of the weekend is as follows:-
Conference Only:- $15.00
Conference Dinner Only: $60.00
Conference + Dinner: $75.00
Weekend Package: $75.00 Admission to conference, morning & afternoon teas and Lunch, Admission to Dinner, including one welcome drink, admission to Mini Field of Women (Free Event)