Children after a diagnosis

hi ladies,
wow it's been a while since I posted on here, it's great to be able to jump back on and ask some questions.
I'm 4 years post diagnosis now and are thinking of having another child next year- after I finish my five years on tamoxifen. I've been told by my doctor that it should pose no threat to my health to do so, but I am still a little scared. My son was only 15 months old when I was diagnosed at age 32. And I'm scared to get all that oestrogen pumping through me again in case the cancer comes back. Even though I've been told it probably won't. I'd love to hear from women who HAVE gone on to have children after a diagnosis and how that is working out for you. I'd also be keen to hear from women who have been told NOT to get pregnant and why this is. I will be 38 when I'm able to try but I have my 32 year old eggs frozen so I would probably try with those. I'm not so worried about fertility as I've always been so fertile but more concerned about recurrence.
I just read an old issue of the beacon magazine which had an article in 2004 where Megan James had her child after being diagnosed. I would love to hear from you Megan if you're out there.
I would really love to hear from all of you.
Thanks so much!
Harmony x
Hi Harmony
I cannot personally comment on getting pregnant after BC as I had 3 children before being diagnosed. But it is great that you are not just taking BC will probably not come back and running of to get pregnant. You must remember that there are many different types of breast cancer and every person can react differently to BC. So just because one person went on to have many children after BC does not mean it will work for everyone. The best person to ask for a second opinion is another oncologist who has all your medical info. I think of the lovely Jane Mcgrath who was diagnosed around 18yrs ago with BC so much would have changed since then. she was given the all clear after her BC treatment and went on to have 2 beautiful children and then she was found to have cancer in her hip. But you probably have different BC to her and treatment so we should not compare apples to oranges. It is also interesting that research is showing that tamoxifen is better for some women to be on 10yrs rather than 5. There is so much to consider I am glad that you are taking your time to find the right way to go for you.
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Harmony, hello it is Megan here, the one that went on to have 2 children (9 and 11 now). We waited the 5 years as well before trying, and we had the total support of my oncologist. For me personally it was the best thing I ever did. Clearly after the chemo, I was still fertile enough to fall pregnant. I had another diagnosis in 2012 that was not related, it was not a re-occurrence, it was a new diagnosis, so just bad luck. My decision was based on my GP and Oncologists support, but really I followed my gut. The other thing I would say was it was a large consideration for my husband, who was probably more worried about the potential negatives in regards to falling pregnant. The 'what ifs' were huge for him. All the best and happy to connect any time. Its a great network for that. Megan
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Hi Harmony,
Welcome back to the online network
I thought you may be interest in knowing that we have an online group 'Babies after BC' who may be able to answer more of your questions.
~ Ann-Marie
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Amazing! I'm SO joining! Thanks Ann Marrie!