Reflections - then and now!

Spent a bit of reflection time today.
Just sharing a few ideas that have made a big difference in my life, during recovery from bc treatment- and beyond!
My bc treatment included removal of some lymph nodes so post surgery lymphodoema was a big concern for me. Fortunately I had early contact with a "tuned-in" physio who helped me understand the risks and how to manage them. Her gentle lymph massage techniques were so effective in relieving both physical and emotional discomfort and stress that I still practise them, over 4 years later (by myself or with my husband's help). Using Bio Oil especially on my surgical scars has been another helpful healing tip for me.
I also benefitted from our local Encore Program. It had huge therapeutic value for me and included breathing practises, simple meditation/mindfulness skills and water based exercises that improved my mobility, flexibility and general posture. There were lots of opportunities to share with others and learn from them. It was a major milestone for most of us, to be able to wear our swimmers again and overcome any negative feelings about changes in body image. Lots of liberating laughter and fun!
Being open to complementary therapies such as counselling, reflexology and reiki helped me heal and become more self compassionate - and more flexible in my thinking about life. I feel very lucky and grateful for all of these positive experiences -as finding the services and support I needed, when I needed them, has been hugely self empowering.
Ongoing contact with my GP and followup visits to my breast surgeon are very important to me, in monitoring my breasts and managing my fear of recurrence. Although I am reminded of my vulnerability ( some deja vu moments/ feelings), I am now so much more self aware - and resilient !
To sum up, my tips are are
* have a personal, post treatment plan in place that works for you
* keep tuned into your needs ( physically, mentally, emotionally, socially) - be kind to yourself
* try new things - be open to change
* strive to thrive, not just survive!