15 hours to go

Only 15 hours to go before I am admitted for my lymph sentinel node biopsy with the lumpectomy scheduled for hopefully later in the afternoon (not too much later though). Was taken out for coffee and cake at a delicious Italian deli by a friend who has warned me that if she doesn't hear from me next week to expect finding her on my doorstep. Another friend dropped off a "care box" filled with lotions and heat/cold packs, a shawl and much needed "recovery" chocolate. Just gotten back from undergoing a "sound bath" and "auric colour" treatment from a friend who does sound and colour therapy - hadn't seen her in a number of years so her generosity was heartfelt.
My sister's just called from Spain, so too has an agency who I used to do temping work through. Was given a box of choclates from a "training buddy" last night and have been "ordered" to attend tonight so something is going down (not that I am psychic or anything).
Plenty of distractions to take my mind off the ticking countdown clock.
Fingers, toes and everything else is crossed. I am feeling that I am in a good space today. Tomorrow could be a completely different story but learning to live in the moment
Warm wishes to you Lunanoire for a successful surgery and an excellent recovery. Big cuddles from Trace ????????
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Hi lunanoire, I was diagnosed with bc one month ago. Have had a lumpectomy 2 weeks ago today. Core biopsy was done 2 weeks earlier before diagnosis. The last month has been a roller coaster ride for me. Family and friends have been wonderful, I have learnt to say no if someone is being too pushy or telling me what I should be doing.my biggest piece of advice is to make sure you take someone with you for your post op appointment. My surgeon told me that we would get the big picture at that appointment. The big picture was bigger than I had expected. I was sent to an oncologists the same afternoon to discuss my next step. The oncologist recorded my consultation and emailed it to me. That was amazing S I didn't take in half of it, my husband took in a lot more than me. My travel journey kit from BCNA was mt life saver when trying to make sense of everything I had been told.
good luck on your journey, sending you lots of positive vibes and hugs. Leanne B
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Hi Lunanoire, having such a lovely network of people around you, giving you help and providing encouragement, does give you strength and lets you appreciate just how much friends and family love you and want to support you through this time. Although no-one ever wants to go on this particular journey, there are some unexpected joys to be found along the way. Best of luck for tomorrow, hope it all goes well for you. Jane xx
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Hi Lunanoire, just wanted to say that I hope the surgery all went well. Thinking of you, Lyn
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Thanks Leanne
My partner will be coming with me next Friday when I see my specialist. I agree that the kit I've received from BCNA has been invaluable