Two days out - nothing inspirational

In less than 48 hours I should be going through my lumpectomy which will then lead on to that long wait before the post-op "consultation" with my surgeon and discussion as to what the immediate future holds in store for me. What I know it won't currently hold in store is that Government 6 month position I went for last month where the main person had actually gone through breast cancer herself so working around possible therapies didn't phase her. Rather disappointed in that even though the choice allegedly came down to myself and another. Still, I guess it gave me a bit of hope.
Likewise the discovery that Centrelink had actually paid me something yesterday. For the first time in a month there was actually money going into my bank account although not enough to cover the mortgage (thank goodness my claim on my disability insurance that I had taken out against my mortgage should be accepted soon and kick in).
Friends are coming out of the woodwork with offers of assistance - coffee date tomorrow followed by a "sound bath" should keep my mind off things. A training buddy has offered to come to the hospital Thursday and not laugh too much at me in my glamour-less hospital gown as I wait between the lymph node biopsy and surgery. There are people lining up to drop off dinners, help with hanging out the washing and even one brave soul offered to weed my garden which has made me to start to make feel better.
We had a bit of sunshine yesterday so I was out in my garden transplanting irises under my fruit trees.
as well as mulching the garden bed as well as sowing some seed in order to make the most of this early spring rain we have been having.
Hi Lunanoire, glad to hear that you have lots of support around you. BC can challenge your health, your income, make you lose your hair and a bit of dignity. It doesn't however take away your friends and your spirit, sounds like you have that in abundance. Your garden will be lovely come springtime. Hang in there Girl, we've all got your back! Best of luck for your results and planning for your treatment. Big cuddles, Trace ????
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Hi Lunanoire,
All the best with the surgery. Is it today? I'm so glad to hear yo have wonderful support from friends. It completely overwhelms me still the attention and care I get from friends and work colleagues (I've take leave from my teaching position) since my diagnosis. My husband closed up initially, but realised I needed my gaggle of bosom buddies to help me get through this.
I'm inspired by your garden. Although I do love to get out in the garden and potter, weed, I haven't since Easter!! Camellias have flowered without my attention and my faithful orchid has flowered two spikes from pure neglect. I promise to get out there soon after the effects of chemo gives me more energy. Grew lovely tomatoes last summer.
As I sit up in my 'office', the sun streams in and I can see the bird of paradise flowering through the bay window, the honey eater birds often visit.
All the best with the surgery, results and treatment plan.
Be kind to yourself,
Karen xx