Stages of improvement - reflection

I have been terrible at checking in here! So much time has passed and so many changes...
I ended up feeling REALLY down and out after finishing treatment (31st of October last year) and found myself crying all the time. I got a phone call that my oncologist had recommended me for a 'rehab' course at the Epworth on the day I felt at my absolute worst. Signing up for it really helped me as knowing I would be learning how to manage things better in the near future gave me hope and helped keep it together till it started a bit better.
The course is called Enhance - Breast cancer rehabilitation program and I highly recommend it! Ask one of your doctors to refer you! It was free for me and I dont know if that was due to my private health cover or a medicare thing so do look into it.
It went for 8 weeks ( 2 hours each Tuesday) - one hour of physical activity, one hour of discussion - lessons on nutrition, mindfullness, managing fatigue, intimacy/sexuality and much more. It was a small group of ladies and I learnt so much from the practitioners and the other participants. A lot was gained from each sharing with such raw honesty so you do need to be open to sharing to get the most out of this course.
During this time I was still working full time and feeling very tired. The straw that broke the camels back was when I then got shingles! I ended up deciding that I needed to take a REAL break and gave my notice at work.
I have now been jobless since the end of May. Scary as it was/is financially (we spent all our savings on the medical bills) it has really been the best decision yet.
To get 'me' back I have been actively doing things I love but never made time for in the past. We went on an awesome holiday (entirely on creditcards - Ekkk!) and feeling more like myself than I have in a very long time.
(I also changed Tamoxifen brands and it made a dramatic difference mood wise)
I still get tired easy but getting better at managing it. Before I was getting angry at myself for not being able to keep up my old fast pace but now find that I am going easier on myself and focusing on how much I have improved rather than what is still hard. Taking a break from all things cancer also helped get things into perspective to. Yes it happened to me but it isnt WHO I am.
Next step is to figure out what I want to do career wise. This experience has taught me that I need to have a better work/life balance as living is about experiences not just repeating the same thing day in day out.
Watch out world! I am back (almost!) :-)
Hi Karen
Thanks for the great posting. It is good to hear of the rehab course - not that it would be available in rural areas - but ladies can ask around and maybe find a course near them.
Congratulations on making such serious decisions re your work/life balance - that was a brave thing to do and you deserve the happiness it brings.
Yes, it is the power of one's mind that can make or break us.
Keep up the good work - and we will look forward to a few comments as your course proceeds.
Summer :-)0 -
Hi Karen, thanks for sharing your experience. I have resigned from my job also, focusing on recovery. I don't think that it will be long before you're employed again, look out world, here comes Karen. Sock it to them Sister ??????
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Hi Karen
I too did a cancer rehab course through Eastern Health. It sounds very similar to the course you did. It was so worth it. I was still having treatment at the time and it helped me is so many ways. After being sacked with still 3 months of treatment to go, I managed to get a part time job literally 2 minutes drive from home. I completed treatment at the end of July and it has really made a difference to my recovery. Like you, we used all our savings whilst I was being treated. But what it made me realise is that we could actually manage on less money so I have taken the time I need to recover. I look back and wonder how I managed to continue working part time through out my treatment and that it has taken a toll on my body by doing so and that I just need the time to recoup. I'm so pleased that you are feeling better in yourself and are taking the time you need. All the very best moving forward. Karen xox
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Hi Karen,
Great to hear your story post treatment. Truly inspiring. I'm currently doing chemo with full effects and have rads still to do.
I love this network, so inspiring.
Karen xx
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I'm on long service leave for a couple of months so can concentrate on me! Not sure what to do about work, but know that my job is open should I want/need to go back. Financially it's hard as my husband is on commission only, but we get by. Health is more important. Sounds like a great course you went on.. I shall have to look into that.
well done you. Xx
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Thanks Summer! :-)0
Hi Tracey,
Dont know why it is so hard to put yourself first but isnt it wonderful once you do it?! Hope you are enjoying your you time!
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Thanks Karen!
Isnt it amazing how your perspective changes throughout treatment on all sorts of things. Money is important but as you found out, you can 'make do' which is what we are doing and it hasnt been too bad! Glad you are taking some time for yourself. All the best to you too xo
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Hi Karen!
I can tell you that while you are in it (treatment) it is all so .......crap and draining but as time passes you start to forget all the shit you went through and recognise how it has made you stronger (yes I know that is SUPER cliche).
I found my notes I wrote to report back to my oncologist while I was on chemo and as I read them I was like. Oh. Thats right. I had bone aches. Ahhhh. I forgot about the rash....
The only thing that hadnt faded from my memory was the problem I had with my fingernails! Chemo brain is frustrating for everyday functioning but great for putting it all behind you lol
This website is such a wonderful resource. Hope you finish chemo soon and can tick that one off. As for Rads. Get some Moo Goo moisturiser and start applying in the weeks leading up to radio. You cant apply anything to your skin a certain amount of hours before treatment but otherwise baste yourself in it! I applied it 4 times a day minimum (and drank crazy amounts of water) and survived 6 weeks of rads without a problem.
Hope the rest of your treatment flys by xo
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So happy to see another person taking a break. We all act like superwoman but having time to yourself is so important!
Hope you are enjoying your well deserved you time.
The course really is wonderful so just ask one of your Dr's for a referral