What Next!

Here I am 1 year after finishing my treatment for early triple negetive Breast Cancer, I should be close to having my life back, but I'm not even close. Since finishing my treatment in September 2014 I've had to deal with other health issues for my tongue, arm, and especially my ear, and now severe indigestion problems. When is it all going to stop!!!
Since finishing my radiation in September 2014,. I have continuously had to deal with health problems. I had a burnt tongue feeling for 3 month, I went back to work in Febraury which I only lasted 6 months and went back on leave again because of my arms aching and the stresses of working and dealing with health issues was too much to handle. The main problem was that I had a blocked ear for months which sometimes caused me to have vertigo. All these symptoms have finally got better over time but as soon as they did I am now suffering from bad indigestion, heartburn, and a feeling that there is a lump in my throat.
My GP put me on Somac and reffered me to have a gastroscopy which I had yesterday. They told me I have nodules in my throat and I have to go back to my GP next week to get my results and a referral to see an ENT specialist. I am so worried now, thinking that the cancer may have come back. I hate the waiting game because I know that by the time I see an ENT specialist I'll be waiting weeks.
I see my Oncologist next year. Should I ring to try to make an earlier appointment to let them know what is on? I'm feeling miserable, scared and unsure of what to do.
I keep telling myself not to panic and to keep positive but I've just had enough of everything. This year was supposed to be a good year where I find myself again and get my life back on track and find my new normal!
Hi Johjoh,
Sending you a big hug - it has been a rough ride for you.
I would definitely contact your Oncologist, as it might be possible to get an earlier appointment with the ENT Specialist - it's worth a try, and he should be informed anyway. (Your GP may have already done this.) Don't cross your bridges - remember one day at a time. It could be absolutely nothing to do with BC. You have been stressing a lot which might have affected your digestion. The ENT Specialist could have a look at your ear while you are there - he is ear/nose/throat after all!
Let us know how you go next week. xxx Michelle
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Thanks Michelle for your reply!
The outpatients at the Nothern Hospital really suck! I really regret going through them. I should have gone to do my treatment at one of the bigger hospitals. My sister went through St Vincent's and the care she gets is so much better.
I just rang the hospital to see if I could get an earlier appointment to see the Oncologist. I was told that on my clinical notes I am to see them next year in April and they can't give me an earlier appointment. I then told them of my situation. I was told that they need to put in a request to the Oncology team to see if they can see my earlier. She told me if I don't hear from them in 10 days to give them a call back. Mind you I was nearly in tears telling her about my situation!
I remember when I had my appointment last month, my Oncologist told me if I had concerns all I had to do was ring and make an earlier appointment!!!!
So pissed off and upset at the moment!!!
In the meantime I'll try not to worry about it and wait to see my GP next week! It's going to be a tough week!
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Hi Johjoh. When you saw your Oncologist last month, he would have known from your blood tests if any symptoms were of concern, and acted straight away. No news was good news. Tell your GP when you are anxious - maybe he can help with appointment times. Keep in touch.xx Michelle
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When I go to my appointments they have never asked me to do blood tests. I only had them when I was going through chemo. When I finished chemo I had to demand that they do one. They just ask me how I'm feeling.
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Then let's hope the team calls with an appointment in the next 10 days. Post your results when you see the GP next week. If everything is clear, you won't need the appointment anyway. Fingers crossed for you. xxx Michelle