My Descent into the Underworld

I have been interested in myths for as long as I can remember and indeed they often for the background to workshops I have run in the past not to mention my interest my psychology. One of the myths that I find fascinating comes from ancient Sumer (Mesopotamia) of the Goddess Inanna, the Queen of Heaven, and her descent into the Great Below, the realm of the dead which was ruled by her "sister" Ereshkigal. Unlike many people who also identify with this myth, it is not the beautiful, bountiful Inanna that I have always identified with, but Ereshkigal (my barracking for the under dog).
Many interpretations recall Ereshkigal as "entrapping" the beautiful Queen of Heaven in her barren land after Inanna had been stripped of her regal possessions at each of the seven gates, struck down by her sister's "stare of death" and left hanging on a hook for three days and three nights before being rescued by two asexual creatures, which enabled Inanna to be "reborn" or initiated into the next stage of her life.
Just over four weeks ago I found myself before the first gate of Irkalla, Ereshkigal's Great Below whereby as the rules and rites of the Underworld are perfect, they are not to be questioned. As my journey through each of the seven gates progresses, like Inanna, various aspects of what had made up the person I have become at this point are being considered and revalued.
More indepth information about this myth as well as the thoughts I am having about my own descent through my blog The Goddess House.