Leanne B

It is a week since I have had my surgery. I now know how lucky I am as I have only had a Lumpectomy and Centinel Node removed which was clear when examined by pathologist in theatre. Was sent home the next day with my drain in. I was exhausted by the time I got home after an 1hrs drive but it was nice to be home. It is unreal how people you haven't seen for years all of a sudden decide to pop in. (some just to see for themselves if what they have heard was true). This is something I am slowly getting used to. I am feeling very positve about my results tomorrow but know that until they are given to me I really don't know whats ahead of me. The support that is out there is amazing. The amount of support I was given and the breast nurses are amazing helping and ensuring that I had all the necessary information if I needed to contact someone. I know that I am very lucky to have a very supportive family, this makes such a difference.
Looking forward to tomorrow with some nervousness to start the next step in my journey.
Glad to hear all is going well for you. Hoping that your test results are good, and so you can plan ahead. Sending you good vibes, Tracey B ??
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Hi Leanne,
I also had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy two weeks ago and got my results yesterday. The lumpectomy was successful with clear margins and there was no cancer in the lymph nodes. Although the cancer was oestrogen and progesterone positive, because it was so small (5mm) the doctor said that I probably wouldn't need tablets. I'm going to see the oncology specialists next week to plan the next step, probably about 5 weeks of radiotherapy. I hope that your results are just as good.