Our Pink Lady Day

Sunday 2 August was set down as the Golden Retriever Club of SA's Pink Lady Championship Dog Show. We encouraged everyone to wear pink to show their support for women with BC. It was an amazing event, the sun shone (thank god after the previous day when it poured rain all day) and everyone joined in the theme. It look fabulous when you saw the girls run around with their dogs and they were all dressed in various shades of Pink, even our judge Mrs Kristen Price from New Zealand joined in the fun. Our Trophy table look fantastic with all of our Ribbons being in a Pink and White theme, we were very fortunate to obtain some terrific sponsorship from ADVANCE who provide food for all class winners, our thanks to Mrs Anne Raymond for her continued support. The show ring was dressed with Pink Ladies and other pink decorations. At the end of the day our wonderful photographer Ingrid Matschke of Ingrid Matschke Photography took what we are calling our "Pink Photo", it sums up the day nicely with all of the participants and their dogs joining together.
Our idea of our Pink show has set the idea for another show of the same caliber next year with hopefully a bigger even being planned. You know the saying "from little acorns big oak trees grow".