Need to connect

hopefully here to get advice from friends with the same anxieties and experience, this is the first time I have reached out for help . I didn't feel so alone as I do now that I am coming to the end of treatment.
Hi Lookingforward, it's good to connect on this website. Everyone is so supportive and some stay in the network even after treatment finishes. I certainly have appreciated the advice and sharing of experiences as I go through my treatment. Now that you are here,please stay with us, it will be worth it, and you are not on your own. Sending you a cuddle, Trace ??????
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Thanks Tracey, will take time to find my way around the sites,but will keep at it. Mainly needing to know that it's normal to have the feelings I am experiencing. Scared to finish treatment???
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I've just finished chemo, and will be starting radiation in the next couple of weeks. I guess every next step is daunting and full of unknowns. My only suggestion is to take it 1 day at a time, because that is all we get each day. Surround yourself with the people you know will stand by you, and embrace the things that give you joy. Connect with the network often, as there are people who have been where you are, and they can share their experiences and advice. I've connected with a local Breastie group who meet monthly for a cuppa. They are all at different stages of treatment, some who finished treatment up to 5 years previously. I hope that this is of some support for you. Take care, Trace xxxx ????
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Hello and welcome:):) What you are feeling is perfectly normal.I didn't want chemo to finish,not because I wanted to keep experiencing it,but because I felt more secure whilst I was going through it.As soon as you finish,a lot of people think that you are just fine again!! It has taken me quite some time to get to where I am now,and I feel .GREAT.I am 18 months past treatment.This network has been my lifesaver.I come here most days,sometimes for a minute or two and sometimes longer.It helps me a lot,and I hope I help others,Please stay in touch.Cheers Robyn xox
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Thanks Robyn, good to here I'm not alone , I was the same with chemo but I think being on your own for 5 weeks in a strange place makes you assess where you are. A lot of things are happening around me at the moment, I think at the moment I am enjoying hiding here ,don't even know if I have a job to go back too!!! But it's great to talk to people who know what you're going through xx