Simple Words That Can Cut to the Bone

Pink66 Dragonfly Posts: 366
edited August 2015 in Day to day

This subject has been rattling around in my head for the longest time.

Words can be so very good and at the very next moment, they can seem to crush you. So I have written a blog over at wordpress where I use my experiences to speak about common words and sayings that are often related to cancer and what we can do to ensure that people think before they use throw away lines.

As well as my thoughts, I have added links to information, what not to say, just stay positive - the stats are in and the look good feel better site.
I hope you enjoy it and can take away some information if not for yourself but for those around you that would like to have a better understanding as one of the things I hear the most is "I did not know what to say"
Click Here to turtle off to my post

Cheers, Sharon (ppink66). 

Oh, and just because I can, here is my latest Turtle Surprises pic. - The moooooon!!!!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    edited August 2015

    Fantastic Pink, people do say the strangest things at times due to lack of education, and their own issues that they impose on you. It can be a challenge to stay calm and gently steer people in the right direction. Sometimes I feel like I'm their counsellor. What you have organised here is marvellous. Well done, Trace ??????

  • Pink66
    Pink66 Dragonfly Posts: 366
    edited August 2015

    Thanks Tracey.  I almost surprised myself with how many words it ended up with!!!  I decided to stop when I did which was good..  LOL hope you had a nice cup of tea with you when you read it.


    Cheers, Sharon xoxo

  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited August 2015

    Thank you. I found myself nodding the whole way through that blog. Having been there twice myself. You are so right, we don't always need to hear any words, just know that people are there, and yes the gestures are such a wonderful thing to be on the receiving end off. 

    You write beautifully. 

    Paula x

  • Pink66
    Pink66 Dragonfly Posts: 366
    edited August 2015

    Thank you Paula

  • hooper65
    hooper65 Member Posts: 48
    edited August 2015

    Wow Sharon your blog is so powerful,  thank you.  I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this way,  and I'm only at the beginning.  Thank you 


  • Pink66
    Pink66 Dragonfly Posts: 366
    edited August 2015

    Wishing you all the best Sonja and hope your treatment kicks butt and is as kind as possible to you xoxoxox

    Just caught your comment on the blog..  If you like, I have a fb page called LOL no surprises!!  P1nk66.  All my posts end up in there

    cheers, Sharon

  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    edited August 2015

    Hi Sharon, I loved this post. As someone diagnosed just over 2 months ago, it really resonates. I've subscribed to your blog, rather than the FB page, and have enjoyed &/or learnt something from each post I've read. Thank you for sharing so much of your story


  • Pink66
    Pink66 Dragonfly Posts: 366
    edited August 2015

    Thank you Lyn,
    So glad that the stuff that rattles around in my head and makes it to the www is helpful.
    Hoping your cancer experience is short and soon behind you Sending huge turtle hugs - Sharon xoxoxoxox

  • Ne
    Ne Member Posts: 336
    edited August 2015

    Sharon this post just blessed me so much.  I have literally just posted a blog about a word people often use being 'luckily' which has caused me so much pain and fear.  Ive shared this on my fb support page.  Thank you. Rene

  • Pink66
    Pink66 Dragonfly Posts: 366
    edited August 2015

    my pleasure xoxoxox