The Color Run - September

February 2014 a friend of mine suggested I join a outdoor personal training group, Step into Life, after voicing my dismay of seemingly wasting six years at a local gym. While training outside in the elements took a bit of getting used to, some 18 months later I have lost some 12 kilos (not counting muscle gain), nearly two dress sizes and in May undertook my first fun run, the Mother's Day Classic. Whilst I did run at school, that was some 30 odd years ago and in May, I managed to shuffle my way through the 4.2kms in under 30 minutes - something I was (and still am) very proud of.
Just as news was breaking that the Mother's Day Classic raised some $3.1 millon this year for breast cancer research, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had also just registered for The Color Run which will be taking place in September.
With my surgery schedule for the second week in August, I am still hoping I can take part in The Color Run and as such have nominated BCNA as my fundraising charity. I may not be the fastest runner but I shuffle along at my own pace and even if my pace is slower than the Mother's Day Classic, my participation in The Color Run for BCNA is my way of saying thank you.
Should anyone wish to donate or share the link, please do
Well done you are an inspiration I so admire anyone who takes part. I'm hopeless at running sport you name it ha ha. Best of luck with your surgery I look forward to hearing how you go in your future runs.
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Until I joined a training group, I hadn't ran since school and didn't even run to catch a bus. I still "shuffle" but my shuffling is getting quicker.
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Well done! I think not running fast in the colour run helps with getting more colour .. right?? It took me a little while to get back into running after my lumpectomy, we have to factor in the jiggle factor and whether or not that will damage/hurt us.